  • 學位論文


Neurofeedback Based Attention Training for Children with ADHD

指導教授 : 陳金鈴 唐詠雯


近年來,治療注意力缺陷過動症(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)的方式逐漸的往非藥物性的方式在治療改善注意力,而神經回饋訓練(Neurofeedback training)的治療方式也逐漸的發展,在臨床的研究當中已經證實神經回饋訓練可以促進認知功能的表現,特別是對ADHD的孩童。 本研究利用腦波儀結合電腦遊戲,在每次訓練前進行注意力小測驗,紀錄受測者在訓練前的注意力能力與腦波情況,接下來透過神經回饋訓練的方式在遊戲的過程中讓孩童學習認識專注與培養放鬆,在熟悉專注與放鬆後能控制它,幫助提升自己學習的效率與減緩ADHD症狀發生的頻率,在訓練後分析了訓練期間所記錄的遊戲參數與腦波原始數據,另外透過遊戲訓練的成績,分析出的遊戲參數,發現受測者在訓練難度持續增加的情況下,經由多次的訓練下來,成績是有所進步的。系統藉由孩童訓練的過程中給予的回饋與變化藉此提高孩童注意力及放鬆度。 研究對象從醫院診間找尋受測者,經由中文版SNAP-IV量表或是CPT3/K-CPT2評估,在注意力缺陷與過動衝動症狀有問題的孩童,由10男1女,年齡6歲-11歲的孩童組成,讓孩童進行14次注意力神經回饋訓練(每周2次,每次訓練間隔一天,長達1個半月)。於本研究當中,讓這些孩童事先在訓練前後進行評估注意力,探討訓練對孩童所造成的影響與改善。 本研究結果發現這些孩童在進行訓練完的注意力評估,與訓練前的注意力評估相較,在中文版SNAP-IV量表的評估方面有很顯著的進步趨勢。在CPT3/K-CPT2評估則沒有進步。比較第一次遊戲訓練與最後一次訓練的參數差異,反應時間的參數有所進步。從腦波的面相來看,遊戲訓練的Alpha波、Beta波、Theta波都有進步趨勢,而遊戲訓練的Alpha波達到顯著進步( p < .05),注意力小測驗與遊戲訓練的Theta波達到顯著進步( p < .05)。 本訓練系統在訓練前利用了簡單的注意力小測驗,得知受測者當天的腦波狀況,並估算出一個適合受測者訓練的標準,使施測者能在訓練之中能快速進入狀況增加訓練成效,幫助ADHD的孩童改善注意力與腦波的問題。另外,在測驗完畢時系統會隨即將測驗數據以報表形式儲存,比較受測者當下的狀況來知道自己本身狀況的反應力及專注力是否有在水平之上,不僅讓受測者能知道自己的狀況,也讓我們對改善過動傾向有更進一步的了解。


In recent years, the way is a gradual non-pharmacological treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to improve attention. The treatment of Neurofeedback training is also a case in the development. In this study we assessed children with ADHD before and after training. Explore the impact of training on children. We used brainwave to combine computer game training. In the process of the training that children learn to focus and relax. And then children can further to control attention and meditation, helping to improve the efficiency of their learning and inhibit the frequency of ADHD symptoms. After training, we record the game analysis of the parameters and brainwave status. In addition, we found the progressed on children through the game training results.Through the process of children’s training to give feedback and changes to improve children's attention and meditation. Subjects from the hospital clinic to find the subjects, through the Chinese version of the SNAP-IV scale or CPT3 / K-CPT2 assessment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder problems with children, by 10 men and 1 female, age 6 Aged 11 years old children, so that children 14 times the attention of nerve feedback training (2 times a week, each training interval of one day, up to 1 and a half months). In this study, let these children prior to training before and after the assessment of attention to explore the impact of training on children and improve. The results of this study found that these children in the training of attention over the evaluation, compared with the pre-training attention assessment, the Chinese version of the SNAP-IV scale assessment has a significant trend. There is no improvement in the CPT3 / K-CPT2 evaluation. Comparing the differences between the first game training and the last training, the parameters of the reaction time have improved. From the perspective of the brain waves, the game training Alpha wave, Beta wave, Theta wave has a progressive trend, while the game training Alpha wave to achieve significant progress (p <.05), attention test and game training Theta wave Achieved significant progress (p <.05). The training system used a simple attention test before training to learn the current state of the brain waves of the subjects and estimated a standard suitable for the training of the subjects so that the surveyor could quickly enter the training The situation increases the effectiveness of training to help ADHD children improve their attention and brain waves. In addition, when the test is completed, the system will immediately store the test data in the form of a report, compare the current condition of the subject to know whether the responsiveness and concentration of the situation itself is above the level, not only the subject can know Of the situation, but also let us improve the tendency to have a better understanding.


brainwave EEG ADHD Neurofeedback training game


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