  • 學位論文


Improvement of The Production of Bioactive Components of Inonotus obliquus with Spent Coffee Ground

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


本研究利用咖啡渣(Spent Coffee Ground,SCG)與玉米碎粒(Corn Grain)為基質,一方面有效的利用咖啡渣,讓廢棄物再利用,另一方面由上述培養基對白樺茸進行固態培養,生產出容易控制、不易遭受細菌汙染或是土地中重金屬的汙染之白樺茸,並藉由培養基內相關營養、化學成分有效提升白樺茸之有效成分。試驗分二部份進行,第一部位使用不同比例培養基培養白樺茸,依生長趨勢選出最適生長比例SC13 (咖啡渣:玉米碎粒=1:3)、SC14 (咖啡渣:玉米碎粒=1:4),並藉由分析指標性成分選出功能性成分較佳之SC13組,第二部份進一步使用不同光照模式進行培養,經分析後發現在光培養下(600 Lux,8-10小時/天),可得到較高的多醣體含量11.3 mg/g、子實體9.2 g、總三萜類182.8 mg/100 g、白樺脂酸148.0 mg/g及總多酚類1309.0 mg/100g。雖白樺脂酸含量不比椴木培養的高,但可將原本野生白樺茸子實體至少3-5年以上的生長期大幅縮短至50天,因此利用咖啡渣與玉米碎粒不同比例作為白樺茸食品培養替代椴木培養是可行且具有潛力的新開發。 關鍵字:白樺茸、咖啡渣、光培養。


光培養 咖啡渣 白樺茸


In this research, the sporocarp of Inonotus obliquus was growth on solid cultivation to avoid the contamination by other bacterial and heavy metals in wasted substrates composed of spent coffee ground (SCG) and corn grain. The nutritional and chemical composition of substrates enhanced effectively the functional ingredient of I. obliquus were studied. The first part of this research, the I. obliquus sporocarp were growth on SC13 (SCG : corn grain = 1:3) and SC14 (SCG : corn grain = 1:4). The results shown that the SC13 medium was produced more functional ingredients than the SC14 medium. Thus, the SC13 medium was chose for the further study. The second part of this research showed the maximum weight of sporocarp (9.2 g) and the contents of polysaccharides (11.3 mg/100 g), total triterpenes (182.8 mg/100 g), betulinic acid (148.0 mg/100 g) and total polyphnols (1309.0 mg/100 g) of sporocarp were produced under light treatment (600 Lux, 8~10 hours per day). The cultivation time was reduced to 50 days compared to the period up to 3~5 years on basswood. This study suggests that the SCG and corn grain could be the potential medium for the growth of I. obliquus. Keywords:Inonotus obliquus, Spent coffee ground, Corn grain, Light treatment


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