  • 學位論文


Application of Technology and Digital Media into Teaching at Preschools in Changhua County

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


彰化縣幼兒園教保服務人員運用科技數位媒體於教學之現況 中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解彰化縣幼兒園教保服務人員可運用的科技數位媒體相關設備、運用科技數位媒體於教學之情況,及相關因素。本研究採問卷調查法,針對彰化縣126所幼兒園,共發出638份問卷,回收603份,有效問卷580份,有效回收率90.9%,運用SPSS20統計套裝軟體,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關係數檢定等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下: 一、 彰化縣幼兒園教保服務人員可運用的科技數位媒體相關設備 (一)機構或個人擁有的科技產品前四項依序為:電腦(含筆電)、智慧型手機、數位相機、影印機。 (二)硬體設備使用頻率前四項依序為:智慧型手機、電腦(含筆電)、數位相機、影印機。 (三)軟體設備使用頻率前四項依序為:LINE、Word、Facebook、YouTube。 (四)教學年資「10年以上」、「公立」幼兒園、教育程度「大學以上」與職務為「教師」的教保服務人員,比較常使用科技數位媒體設備。 二、 彰化縣幼兒園教保服務人員運用科技數位媒體於教學之情況 (一) 在「備課階段」運用科技數位媒體於教學使用頻率最高,「教學分享階段」次之,「教學施實階段」再次之。 (二) 備課階段,教育程度「大學以上」、「公立」幼兒園與「教師」運用科技數位媒體於教學的頻率較高。 (三) 教學實施階段,教學年資「10年以上」、「公立」幼兒園與「教師」運用科技數位媒體於教學的頻率較高。 (四) 教學分享階段,「公立」幼兒園、「教師」、「大班」與「中班」運用科技數位媒體於教學的頻率較高。 三、 彰化縣幼兒園運用科技數位媒體於教學情況之相關因素 (一) 教保服務人員對於自己科技數位媒體知能的認同度最高,行政資源次之,教保服務人員的態度與意願再次之。 (二) 行政資源方面,任教於「公立」幼兒園與職務為「教師」的教保服務人員,比較滿意幼兒園提供的行政資源。 (三) 教保服務人員知能中,教學年資「10年以上」、「大學以上」教育程度之教保服務人員,比較認同自己的科技數位媒體知能。 (四) 教保服務人員態度與意願,則是「大學以上」、「公立」幼兒園與「教師」運用科技數位媒體於教學的態度與意願比較高。 (五) 彰化縣教保服務人員運用科技數位媒體於教學之「行政資源、教保服務人員知能、教保服務人員態度與意願等相關因素」與「整體教學情況」具有中、低度之正相關。 依據此研究結果,本研究對幼兒園、教保服務人員、教保服務人員培育機構與未來研究提出相關建議如下: 一、幼兒園:增加或改善科技數位媒體軟硬體設備,提昇使用的方便性,並訂定科技數位媒體使用獎勵辦法,以提昇教保服務人員使用科技數位媒體於教學之意願。 二、教保服務人員:多參與科技數位媒體於教學之相關研習,以提昇自我專業能力,積極分享運用心得,並與同儕互相交流,以瞭解科技數位媒體相關設備與應用程式,能運用在教學上的方式。 三、教保服務人員培育機構:辦理在職人員科技數位媒體應用學分班與增加「智慧型手機(含行動載具)」相關之應用課程或研習。 四、未來研究:研究可結合質性訪談方式進行更深入了解科技數位媒體之應用情況,研究區域可以擴及至其他縣市或全國性的調查,更進一步瞭解其他區域教保服務人員運用科技數位媒體於幼兒園教學之情況。


Application of Technology and Digital Media into Teaching at Preschools in Changhua County Chieh-Hsin Chiang Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate technology and digital media devices available to preschool educators and caregivers in Changhua County, application of technology and digital media into instruction, and related factors. In the study, a questionnaire survey method was used; 638 questionnaires were sentto 126 preschools in Changhua County. Totally 603 questionnaires were returned, and 580 were valid. The valid response rate was 90.9%. Data was analyzed using SPSS20.0 statistical software packages; descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, One-way ANOVA analyses, and Pearson Correlation Analyses were conducted. The results were as follows: I. Technology and digital media devices available for preschool educators 1. The most available technology and digital media devices in preschools or to educators and caregivers were: computer (including laptop), smart phone, digital camera, and copy machine, consecutively. 2. The first four items of most frequently used hardware devices in preschools to educators and caregivers were: smart phone, computer (including laptop), digital camera, copy machine, consecutively. 3. The most frequently used softwareswere: LINE, Word, Facebook, and YouTube, consecutively. 4. Preschool educators who “had over 10 years of teaching experience”, work in “public or non-profit private preschools”, have “education of university graduate and above”, and qualified as “teachers” used technology and digital media devices more frequently. II. The application of of technology and digital media integration into instruction in Changhua County 1. Preschool educators used technology and digital media devices most frequently in the stages of “planning lessons”, “teaching results sharing”, and “implementing teaching”, consecutively. 2. In the stage of planning lessons, preschool educators who had “education level of university graduate and above”, worked in “public preschools”, and qualified as “teachers” used technology and digital media devices more frequently. 3. In the stage of implementing teaching, preschool educators who “had less than 10 years of teaching experience”, worked in “public preschools”, and qualified as “teachers” use technology and digital media devices more frequently. 4. In the stage of teaching results sharing, preschool educators who worked in “public preschools”, taught older kids (4-6 years old), qualified as “teachers” used technology and digital media devices more frequently. III. Related factors of preschool educators’ technology and digital media integration into instruction in Changhua County 1. Preschool educators rated highly with their knowledge of technology and digital media, less with administrative resources, least with the attitude and willingness of preschool educators. 2. In terms of administrative resources, preschool educators who worked in “public preschools” and qualified as “teachers” rated highly with administrative resources provided. 3. In terms of the knowledge of preschool educators, preschool educators who “had less than 10 years of teaching experience” and had “educational level of university graduate and above” rated highly with their knowledge of technology and digital media. 4. In terms of the attitude and willingness of preschool educators, preschool educators who had “educational level of university graduate and above”, worked in “public preschools”, and qualified as “teachers” had higher rating of attitude and willingness towards using technology and digital media. 5. “Administrative resources, the knowledge of preschool educators, the attitude and willingness of preschool educators Related factors” and “overall current teaching state” of preschool educators’ technology and digital media integration into instruction in Changhua County are modest and lower positive correlated. According to the research results, this study provides some suggestions for preschools, preschool educators, pre-service and in-service education institutions of preschool educator, and future researchers: 1. Preschools: Preschools should increase or improve software and hardware devices of technology and digital media, improving the accessibility, and setting the reward systems of using it in order to enhance the willingness of applying technology and digital media into instruction. 2. Preschool educators: Preschool educators can participate more workshops about technology and digital media integration into instruction to enhance self-professional ability, sharing and discussing their experience with others actively to understand the features of related equipment and applications and the way of using them on teaching. Educare assistants can also return to school to improve their professional skills and knowledge, setting goal as becoming versatile preschool educators. 3. Pre-service and in-service education institutions: They should provided t courses of application of technology and digital media for pre-service and in-service staffs. 4. Future researchers: Researchers can combine qualitative research method to further understand preschool educators’ application and opinions. The research area can be expanded to other areas; it can be a national survey, understanding more about the application of preschool educators’ technology and digital media into instruction .


