  • 學位論文


A Better Fitting Model For Electronic Reading in Age from 15 to 29

指導教授 : 楊承亮


本研究主要探討數位內容於螢幕適合的呈現模式,分為兩個主要研究方向,其一為針對使用者於文字及圖片、色彩的搭配上,試著找出較適合使用者閱讀的組合方式。其二是探討有關不同的個人背景資料,於感知上有無差異之處存在。 樣本的選取,因考慮學生時期較有閱讀及使用電腦查尋檢索資料的習慣,故樣本年齡層界定於15至29歲之間為主要研究對象,取樣地點則為學校、圖書館、書店進行問卷調查。經SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science)分析軟體分析使用者感知差異。分析結果發現:  於螢幕上,文字14級及細明體為最適當的字級與字體。  於色彩搭配上,黑底白字最得受測者的喜愛。  受測者於圖右文左的閱讀模式下感受最佳。  性別屬性於「容易吸引目光的色彩搭配」上達顯著差異,於文字字級大小、文字字體、圖形擺置上無顯著差異。  年齡屬性於文字字級大小、文字字體、色彩搭配、圖形擺置上均無顯著差異。  教育程度屬性於「文字字級清晰」、「較不費力的字型」、「較舒服的圖形擺置」三者達顯著差異,於色彩上無顯著差異。  電腦使用經驗屬性於「容易吸引目光的圖形擺置」、「較舒服的圖形擺置」二者達顯著差異,於文字字級、文字字體、色彩搭配上無顯著差異。


This research mainly discusses how digital contents are better presented on the screen. It divides into two main research directions. One is aiming at how the user selects the color scheme for words and pictures. This is to try to find out which combination is most suitable for user to read the contents on the computer. The other aim is to discuss how the different background information effects user’s sensation. While selecting the samples for this study, we took into consideration that most of the students have the habits of reading on-line and using the computer to search information. Therefore, the age boundary was set between 15~29 years old for the main object of study. We took sample surveys at following locations: schools, libraries, and bookstores. Through the SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) analytical software’s analysis of different user’s sensation. The result showed:  Font size 14 is the best size to be read on the monitor screen.  Font MingLiU performed the best.  For the color combination, sampled targets favorite white on black.  Surveyed users found that the reading pattern of pictures on the right and written information on the left the best.  Gender-wise, what differ the most was “the color match that easily attracts attention.” There was no distinct difference of choice on font, font size, nor how the pictures were placed.  Age-wise, there was no distinct difference in choosing the font, font size, color scheme, nor how the picture’s placement.  With sampled surveyors with higher education: font size’s clearness, fonts that doesn’t take effort to read, and comfortable graphic arrangement weighed the most in their selection. There was no special preference for color schemes.  Sampled surveyors with more experience at using computers preferred comfortable graphic arrangements that attract the eyes. On font, font size, and color scheme, no special preferences were shown.


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