  • 學位論文


A Research of Influencing Recognition Elements on Tactile Pictures for Visual Impaired People

指導教授 : 吳志富


視覺障礙者由於視覺上的缺陷,舉凡日常生活中之食、衣、住、行、育、樂等都遭受嚴重之不便,在學習與生活的過程中,如何加強觸覺圖形有效辨識,對提升其日常生活上之安全性及方便性有很大助益。先期研究主要以國、高中之視障者為受測對象,利用問卷調查法和圖卡觸摸辨識實驗進行觸覺圖形項目之篩選及辨認要素確認,先期研究結果顯示當物體或視覺符號的影像變化度越高、共通性越大、或特徵質越低時,圖形的辨識正確率會越低。因此,本研究結合先期研究與相關文獻,進一步針對影響觸覺圖形辨識之重要因子-認知、大小比例、描述程度與表現模式等進行整合性的探討。以雙因子變異數分析及最小顯著分析 (LSD) 獲得視障者表現績效之適當的觸覺圖形設計參數組合,結果得知,對於大比例與中比例之圖形,線面混合表現較佳,於小比例圖形,則是線形表現較佳。另外在描述程度方面,僅在小比例上,簡單的明顯表現比複雜的佳。且從本研究結果獲知觸覺圖形之設計必須先透過視障者之心理認知,才能使觸覺圖形有效呈現,而觸覺圖形之大小比例、描述程度與表現模式等辨識要素也應有適當的觸覺圖形參數組合存在。 因此,本研究之成果對視障者觸覺圖形設計提供建議原則,以作為產品設計師在進行設計工作時考慮視障使用者特殊需求之參考,未來對視障者之教學觸覺圖形設計、產品觸覺說明書、產品品牌商標之辨識大小、視障者學測卷、立體地圖、與產品操作界面均有所幫助。


Defective in vision, visual impaired people suffered from serious inconveniences for all of the food, clothing, housing, behavior, nourishing, and recreation in daily lives. Thus, good tactile pictures play a very important role in visual impaired lives. Junior high school and senior high school visual impaired students are the subjects in the early research. By Questionnaire and recognition of tactile pictures to proceed the experiment of choosing object item and recognition elements. The result of early research shows that the more Variables of establishment, the more commonness, or the lower characteristic of object or visual sign have, the lower correct recognition gets. Therefore, this research combined the early research and reference, step further to integrative explore the main factors – recognition, size scale, depicting levels and presenting modes. Using two way ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) and LSD to get the group of proper tactile pictures from visual impaired subjects. The result reveals LD+TP tactile pictures were performed well on large size and middle size, LD tactile pictures were performed well on small size. In depicting levels, only simple tactile pictures performed well than complex ones. Moreover, the suggesting principles in designing tactile pictures on the mutual contact between the visual impaired people were to be offered as a reference of considering the special demands of those people when designers designing. The application of this research can be in tactile symbols onto operating interfaces of products, tactile instruction manual, the basic tests of visual impaired students..etc. Keywords: visual impaired, tactile pictures, recognition pictures, size scale, depicting levels, presenting modes


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