  • 學位論文


A Study on the User Interface of Mobile Blogging Systems

指導教授 : 陳立杰


隨著人們對於娛樂方面的需求提高,使用行動裝置上網的機會也變得越來越高,原本的部落格只針對桌上型或攜帶型電腦來使用,現在有移轉到手持式行動裝置的趨勢,透過行動裝置上網觀看影音資訊已經是相當可行的新體驗。然而,使用者在使用現今的行動部落格發現問題點,導致降低興趣,將不再繼續使用。而現今有很多探討行動裝置的介面問題,但卻沒有探討行動部落格的問題。 本研究之目的在探討行動部落格的使用者介面模式,進而了解行動部落格介面功能的需求,探討符合使用者使用行動部落格介面及實用性。內容由兩大部分構成,第一部分為先前研究的「現有行動部落格的操作模式」和「小螢幕行動裝置的設計原則」調查,蒐集行動部落格設計的原則。第二部分以問卷和訪談的方式進行現有行動部落格的問題點調查,統計整理的結果提出五大問題點,綜合第一部份的蒐集結果來作為未來設計行動部落格的依據。主要的問題點歸納如下:(1) 登入頁面的問題(2) 我的Vlog頁面問題 (3) 留言區的問題 (4) 首頁和子頁的階層分類問題 (5) 上傳影音的問題。並針對問題點和設計原則提出兩套實驗網頁設計案,一套是以圖文的選單方式來操作,另一套以條列式的文字選單來操作接著設計出登入、上傳、觀看和留言、找尋旅遊景點的照片等這四個典型任務來測試,受測者分別執行兩套實驗網頁。實驗結束以t檢定分析兩套網頁在主觀上的評量是否有差異和錯誤率與訪談結果作為客觀評量的差異。 結果顯示:(1) 行動部落格的登入按鍵需獨立於一個頁面中,並且以放大的圖示表示。(2) 行動部落格首頁選單應該以條列式選單並加上小圖示來說明。(3) 行動部落格的上傳頁面方面,所有步驟要在同一個頁面,並且依序條列步驟的順序。 (4) 子頁面的選項以圖文方式呈現一個按鈕的樣子,並加大每個選項的間隔。(5) 觀看完影片後,會用到的選項應直接在頁面上呈現出來,不需在到另一個頁面中操作。(6) 尋找旅遊的地點和人數標識方面,以文字選項來說明會更加清楚。(7) 當使用者看完圖片後,會使用到的按鈕應並列在一起,以方便點選。


Along with the increasing demand of people on entertainment, opportunity of using mobile devices to access internet is becoming more and more, and the trend of transferring blog that is originally based on desk computer or lap top to hand held devices has come out nowadays, and it is a quite feasible new experience to watch multimedia information on internet by the mobile devices. However some users have found the problems of the existing moblog, so they become not interested in it and would never like to use it any more. On the other hand, there have been many researches focusing on interface of mobile devices, but there are few researches paying attention to problems of moblog. The objective of the research is to discuss the user’s interface mode of moblog so as to understand demand on moblog’s interface function and discuss the interface and practicality of blog which can meet demand of users. The research is made of two main parts; with the aim of collecting moblog design principle, the first part is the investigation on “Operation Mode of Current Mobile Blog” and "Design Principle of Small Screen Mobile Devices", both of which were studied previously. The second part is the investigation on problems of current moblog by questionnaire and interview, which puts forward five major problems after statistics and sorting; the problems can be the reference for moblog design in the future by integrating first part’s collection of the research. The major problems include: (1) Problem on Login Page, (2) Problem on My Vlog Page, (3) Problem on Message Board, (4) Stratification Problem of Home Page and Subpage, (5) Problem of Uploading Audio-Video Files. The research brought up two sets of experimental webpage design project based on the problems and concerned design principles, and then some testees accepted the tests on login task, upload task, watching and leaving message task and task of searching pictures of tour spots for the two experimental projects respectively. After the experiment finished, we used t test to see whether there is any subjective assessment variance or error rate on the two sets of webpage and used the interview result as the objective assessment variance. And the result shows: (1) Login key of moblog should be set independently in a page with an enlarged icon (2) Home page menu of the moblog should be list-style with description of some small icons. (3) As for the upload page of moblog, all steps should be arranged in a same page in an order. (4) Options of subpage should be in button-style with integration of illustration and description and space among options should be enlarged. (5) After watching a movie, the available options should present on the page directly and users won’t have to operate them in anther page. (6) With regard to searching tour spots and person number mark, they will be much clearer by text description options. (7) The available buttons should be listed together after users watch pictures so that users can use them conveniently.


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