  • 學位論文


The Effects of Curriculum Design and Marketing Strategies on Business Performance of Dance Studios:An Empirical Study of the Ballroom Dance Studios in Tainan Area

指導教授 : 劉宜芬


隨著世代的改變,人們不僅依存工作所帶來的生活品質,對於休閒活動的層面也逐漸受到重視。目前以專業舞蹈教室為經營方向,而非健身俱樂部方式運作的舞蹈教室,在舞蹈課程安排上會較為單一而非多元,對消費者而言相對較無吸引力,因此本研究想要了解國際標準舞舞蹈教室在「課程設計」以及「行銷策略」上的實際操作方式,以及舞蹈教室如何透過前述兩項實務作法來提升「經營績效」。本研究依據文獻的原則內涵,透過訪談的方式訪問舞蹈教室之經營者及教學者,再將訪談所得資料進行彙整歸納。 研究結果發現: 一、若課程設計上特別去區別學習目標市場與學習舞蹈項目,詢問者會有較高 的意願洽詢這類舞蹈課程;而舞蹈教室內的學習者也會以學習這類課程居多。 二、課程設計的架構若是以技術導向為主,選取這類課程的學員對於循環課程 的再次參與程度也會比較高,而課程存續期間也會比較長。 三、師資具有其他舞蹈種類的學習背景,則會以不同舞蹈的運用觀點進行教學 上的統整,而影響特目標市場的學習意願;若僅有單一背景,則會運用改變課程進行方式,刺激學習意願增加。 四、國際標準舞經營者目前的現況分析,對未來課程安排有趨於多元的走向。 五、國際標準舞經營者以競爭導向定價法為主要的定價方式,造成區域內類似 課程的收費差距不大,而影響平均各教室學習者的人數間距不明顯。 六、舞蹈相關人員轉介的行為是各國際標準舞舞蹈教室學員主要的來源,並以 師資知名度影響詢問者的詢問意願與學習者的學習意願,提高學習上的人數。


Because of the transition of the generation, people respect not only the quality of their work, but also leisure activities. The curriculum arrangement of the studios whose business model focuses on the professional dance studios rather than fitness club is more monotonous than rich and is not attractive to consumers. Thus, the purpose of the research is to know the practice of curriculum design and marketing strategies in the ballroom dance classes, as well as to know how the curriculum design and marketing strategies affect the business performance of dance studios. This research conducts few personal interviews with the managers and instructors of ballroom dance studios and integrates the data from the interviews to gain useful information. The findings of the research are: 1. If curriculum design distinguishes different learning segments and different dance subjects, the inquisitors is more willing inquire information of these classes; Besides, the majority of students in the studio are learning this kinds of class. 2. If a class is the technique-oriented, students are more willing to join the second-round classes and so on and thus the length of the class of the courses will be longer. 3. If teachers have an background of various kinds of the dance, they’ll integrate the viewpoints from various dances to affect the learning will of the particular segment; If they just have a background of single kind of dance, they’ll alter the way of instruction to improve the learners’ learning will. 4. The curriculum design of ballroom dance studios tend to become richer. 5. The major pricing method of the ballroom dance studios is competition-oriented and the class price is similar in the neighborhood. Thus, the number of students in each studios is less affected by class price. 6. The referral from related people is the major source of students in all ballroom dance studios. And the awareness of instructor highly affects the inquiring and learning will of students.


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