  • 學位論文

李斯特《巡禮之年》-〈暴風雨〉、〈歐貝曼山谷〉、 〈牧歌〉之研究與詮釋

Analysis and Interpretation of “Orage”, “ Vallée d’Obermann”, and “Eglogue” from Franz Liszt’s Années de Pèlerinage

指導教授 : 鄭夙娟
共同指導教授 : 黃瓊儀


摘要 十九世紀的歐洲,充滿了革命的思潮,在這種舊換新的動盪時代裡,以個人為出發點,講究求新求變,法蘭茲•李斯特(Franz Liszt,1811-1886)就在這樣的環境下發展自己的音樂特色。他將鋼琴這件樂器的演奏技巧發揮到極致,創造鋼琴如管弦樂團般的效果,並創立了新名詞「交響詩」(Symphonic poem)與「標題音樂」(Program Music)。他勇於突破、大膽創新的作曲手法,也為二十世紀開拓了嶄新的音樂視野。 《巡禮之年》(Années de Pèlerinage)這部作品是李斯特遊歷瑞士、義大利的生活日記及晚年表達對宗教的虔誠與回憶錄。《巡禮之年》第一年瑞士是取材於大自然的風光、文學和藝術靈感的標題音樂,本文針對其中的〈暴風雨〉(Orage)、〈歐貝曼山谷〉(Vallée d’Obermann)、〈牧歌〉(Eglogue)來作探討,此三首曲子皆有拜倫(Byron)的詩作當引文,〈歐貝曼山谷〉更融入了瑟南庫爾小說中的兩封信,李斯特將此引文所要表達的文學意含融入在他的曲子中,因此必須要了解文學背景,才能夠用正確的藝術形式詮釋這些作品。 除此之外,本文將探究三首樂曲的曲式分析與演奏詮釋,討論節奏、旋律、調性、主題變形、演奏技巧、踏板運用……等方面,期盼本研究可提供演奏者參考之價值與依據。


Abstract It was filled with revolutionary thoughts in Europe in 19th-century, when the trend fluctuated between tradition and innovation, especially emphasizing the latter in terms of individualism. That was when Franz Liszt (1811-1886) developed his own musical style. He transcended the piano technique to the extreme, creating orchestral effects out of the piano. He also created new terms like Symphonic poems and Program Music. His courageous breakthrough and innovative compositional techniques broaden the horizons for the Twentieth Century. Liszt’s visit to Switzerland, his stay in Italy, and his piety for religion in his latter part of life, resulted in his work “Années de Pèlerinage”. The materials of the first year of “Années de Pèlerinage” were obtained from natural beauty, literature and program music of art epiphany. This study will focus on three works—“Orage”, “Vallée d’Obermann” and “Eglogue”, which are introduced by Byron’s poems. The creation of “Vallée d’Obermann” was even fused with two letters from Sénancour novel. Liszt fused his works with the literary meaning expressed in Byron’s poems. Therefore, we need to understand the literary background so that we can interpret these works correctly. In addition, this study will explore the formal analysis and performance Interpretation of the three works. This study will also discuss rhythm、melody、 tonality、thematic transformation、performance techniques and pedaling. It is my hope that this study would provide reference for performers.


Liszt Orage Vallée d’Obermann Eglogue Byron Années de Pèlerinage


小澤征爾、大江健三郎(2006)。音樂與文學的對談(初版)(戴偉傑譯)。台北: 高談文化事業有限公司。(原著出版年:2001年)
