  • 學位論文


The Research of Creation Process and Practice from Music Video Directors

指導教授 : 蔣世寶


音樂錄影帶(Music Video)是用來宣傳歌曲與增加歌手知名度的一種影片形式。近年來視覺媒體的呈現多元性,讓複合媒材表現的技術特殊性受到相當程度的重視,連帶影響數位媒體設計的發展與應用範疇。現今,MV的畫面視覺效果,利用強烈的視覺效果與聽覺內容來吸引觀眾觀看,其中,視覺影像設計表現,儼然成為MV創作媒材中最重要的表現核心。因此,研究者希望在具有多元性質的MV內容中,試圖探討導演創作一部優秀的MV,具備了那些構成的條件與要件。本研究以三個研究面向為主體架構,進行「研究者面向」、「專家面向」、「應用實踐面向」進行不同觀點切入研究,研究者面向研究其探討為透析金曲獎入圍最佳音樂錄影帶獎項之導演作品之技術構成元素,專家面向則透過訪談法實際了解導演創作歷程之脈絡,最後,以研究者面向以及專家面向之研究成果,做為應用實踐面向之實務創作之主要參考依據,以其作品成果驗證研究成果。從各面向綜合顯示: (一)複合形式MV是目前製作的趨勢。(二) MV剪輯之使用分鏡數量與歌曲曲風相關。(三)鏡頭構圖,以導演個人習慣與喜好為主要因素,但是具有目的性(四)鏡頭運鏡以MV劇本鋪排為主要考量因素。(四)鏡頭運鏡以MV劇本鋪排為主要考量因素。 (五)「特寫鏡頭」是MV廣泛使用的鏡頭大小。(六)策略擬定時使用視覺資料與客戶進行相關討論(七)MV構成設定其考量因素為「歌曲訊息」、「歌手形象」、「客戶限制」。(八)創作實務中拍攝狀況為不可預期之因素。由以上研究結果得知,MV雖然是商業目的之影片創作,但導演在創作中具相當自由的空間來表現,吸引觀眾並達到其宣傳之目的。


音樂錄影帶 MV導演 MV創作


Music Video (MV) is a kind of film mode used to publicize songs and increase singers’ popularity. In recent years, the diversity of visual media makes the compound media materials be valued considerably in the special technology expression, as well as influences the development and application of digital media design. At present, MV utilizes intense visual effects and auditory contents in the picture effects to attract audience, in which the expression of visual image design is the most crucial part in the MV creation. Therefore, the researchers are expected to explore the required conditions and constitutive requirements in the diversified MV contents when the director creates an excellent MV. The study is conducted three aspects as the main-body,which are researcher, expert and application and practice,respectively. In terms of researcher aspect, the study explores the technological constructive elements of works created by MV directors winning Best MV Director in the Golden Melody Awards. In terms of expert aspect, the interview method is used to understand the venation in the creation process of directors. At last, the research results from researcher aspect and expert aspect are used as the major reference of practical creation in the practice aspect and the research results are checked by works evaluation. The study concludes the following results from the above three aspects: 1. Compound MV is the tendency of modern production; 2. The usage of storyboard quantities are related to the songs styles in MV cutting; 3. Picture composition of lens is mainly based on directors’ personal habits and preference with purpose; 4. The techniques of lens take the MV scenario layout as the major consideration; 5. Close-up shot is the widely used size in the MV; 6. Visual materials are used to discuss with clients in the strategy planning process; 7. Song information, singer image and client limitation are used as the considerations in the setting of MV composition; 8. Shooting conditions are unexpected elements in the practical creation. It can be learned from the above research results that thought MV is commercial film creation, directors have considerable space to create the MV to attract audience and achieve the publicity purpose.


Music Video MV director MV creation


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