  • 學位論文


Fairy Tale Elements Used in the Creation of Children's Goods Study

指導教授 : 盧縉梅


臺灣因社會經濟結構的變遷,雙薪家庭逐漸增加並伴隨生育率逐年下降,多數父母趨向選擇生育一個或二個小孩,以能用心栽培並且願意投入大筆的金錢於小孩的教育和食衣住行育樂各方面。父母對兒童教育、生活物質的滿足越來越重視,兒童商品的商機亦隨之逐年擴大;另方面兒童的消費主導權亦有逐漸提高的趨勢。現今市場上兒童商品琳瑯滿目,如何使商品受到父母及兒童的青睞是一個艱鉅的挑戰。今日兒童商品除了滿足兒童日常生活基本需求外,需承載更多功能其增加商品附加價值,才從眾多的商品中脫穎而出的受到家長的注意。諸如學習、認知的功能、饒富童趣以觸發兒童學習的興趣、寓教於樂的功能、美感培養等等。 本研究將童話故事的元素融入兒童商品設計。首先,期透過問卷調查方法,篩選出受大眾和兒童歡迎的童話元素將其融入商品之中,增添商品童趣以能同時吸引家長與兒童之目光。其次,運用兒童發展理論作為商品創作設計之參考,藉以提高商品引導兒童認知與學習之功能,俾能滿足家長消費兒童商品時,對於商品更多功能性的需求,將兒童學習融入一般日常生活之中。最後,運用拼貼藝術的表現技巧將童話元素呈現於商品創作上,創作具有獨特風格的商品以有別於市面上眾多大量製造、風格雷同的商品,俾能迅速抓住消費者的目光。


童話 故事 拼貼藝術 兒童商品


With Taiwan’s social economy’s evolvement, the number of double income families has gradually increased while the birth rates reduced steadily. Many parents choose to raise only one or two kids, in order to ensure and invest in their children’s education, needs and entertainment purposes. Parents now focus more on the material life satisfaction of their kids; therefore, children products and business opportunity expand year by year. On the other hand, kid’s are getting more say on the decision making process. Nowadays, in the children related product market, there are tons of choices and variety. How to make a product stand out and get the attention from parents and children is a difficult challenge. Today, children related products not only need to fulfill children’s basic needs, but also need to be multipurpose to raise its value in parents’ eyes. Some of the value added features need to have educational purposes, draw children’s learning interest, and develop artistic senses, etc. This study explores the possibility to extract fairy tale elements and merge them into product designs. Firstly, I conducted a market survey to screen out the fairy tale elements that the public welcome. By combining the elements into product designs, I created the products that attract children's interest, and catch parent’s eye. Secondly, I used the children development theory as a design reference guide, to enhance the children’s learning capability, and satisfy the parents’ needs for multipurpose products. Lastly, I used the collage technique to represent the fairy tale elements, creating a unique style of products to a large number of different manufacturers available in the current market.


fairytale story collage art children’s products


