  • 學位論文

以使用者經驗探討晾曬衣物之 產品設計研究─以雙薪家庭為例

The Study of Dring Clothes Product Design on User Experience

指導教授 : 邱一峰


本研究針對雙薪家庭,以使用者經驗做切入,探討晾曬衣物之產品設計。研究以使用者經驗做為產品設計的基礎,首先藉由文獻探討確立晾曬產品現有功能,再與專家討論得出五項準則及二十一項次準則,運用目標決策樹(Object Tree)轉化為層級結構後,以訪談方式訪談30位目標族群,最終以層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)做為分析工具,計算出雙薪族群對於晾曬衣物產品的需求權重,最後以一致性測驗定,做為研究理論之依據。   本研究以層級分析法獲取之需求權重做為實務設計之理論依據,針對目標族群,提出地面站立型及天花板吊掛型,共計兩款新式曬衣產品設計概念,並依據設計概念,分別製作產品原型,最終委請5位產品設計開發專家與10位目標族群做可行性評估及滿意度調查,藉此獲得設計驗證。


This research is about the design of drying clothes product which base on the user-experience of Dual-Income family. Basing on user-experience as product design concept, we firstly identify the functions of drying clothes according to all the existing products nowadays and summarize into five guideline and twenty one sub-guideline with specialist. Then, using Object Tree method to transform those guidelines into hierarchy structure and interview thirty target audience. Finally, we calculate the needed weight of drying clothes for Dual-Income family by Analytical Hierarchy Process. Moreover, consistent test would apply here and be the basis of this research. This research would show two new concepts of designing drying clothes products, ground-stand and ceiling-hanging, which based on needed weight of target audience by AHP method. Basing on above design concept, we produce prototype and provide them to five product development experts and ten target audience to try out for ensuring both feasibility assessment and satisfaction survey are verified.


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