  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Responsibilities of the Perpetrator Violating the Waste Disposal Act

指導教授 : 陳介山


時光飛逝歲月如梭驪歌初唱眼眶泛紅,在嶺東科技大學求學的日子霎時已經快二年了,又到了離別依依離開校園的時候,回想當初嚮往嶺東財經法律的求學動機與熱忱,現在回想起來有如昨日一般,活到老學到老是我求學的原動力,投資自己是我的座右銘,沒來就讀法律不知道法律內容是浩瀚無窮、學無止境,感謝我的啟蒙教授陳介山所長以及財經法律研究所的全體老師對學生應交的諄諄教誨,讓我獲益良多,感謝有緣同窗的同學們,這段日子裡對我的照顧與關懷,俗語說︰「百年修得同船渡、千年修的同窗誼」能與你們同窗修習法律是我這一輩子的榮耀與歡樂,尤其是大家為了準備午餐時的合作,共餐時的歡笑這是一種千金難買得到的甜蜜滋味,特別感謝班長請的飲料咖啡,更是一種千載難逢讓人甜在心裡的懷念與芬芳。 感謝我的內人與家人的支持,讓我能夠再次擁有人生的第二個碩士學位,感謝你們的包容,同意我每週六日來上課,無法陪著家人一起來去谷關泡溫泉、帶著小孫子去溪頭健行,但是嶺東校區雖然不是位在高山峻嶺中,但是空氣也非常的清新、草木更是綠意盎然處處飄香,絕不比溪頭差,因為嶺東校區是位在成功嶺上,所以讀嶺東人生必定會成功,感謝當初鼓勵我再次就學的劉自強教授,感謝有您的推薦函,才讓我能夠錄取財經法律所,聽說我們這一期的錄取率是五十人才錄取十二人而已,只有百分之二十四的錄取率,擁有雙碩士者更是有三人,這證明本期學生都是集聚全國的菁英於一堂,其中不乏來自於台北,舟車勞頓,並且在二年的課業上從不缺席,這樣如此的辛苦,這一切都是為了求學而不辭千里來到嶺東,這種超乎於常人的毅力及耐力最令我佩服與動容,顯見嶺東財經法律所是聲譽遠播、法界的翹楚。 最後天下沒有不散的宴席,過去的您們我無法參與,但是未來的嶺東人,我們將共同攜手前進,共同開創美麗人生,未來不管學校對於財經法律所是否存續,廢所是打不斷我們的情感與血脈,因為「一日為師、終身為父、一日為校、終身為家」,我們都以財經法律所為榮、以身為嶺東人為傲,我們都是一家人,還記的小時候最紅的一首民歌「萍聚」當今日唱完這首歌後,明日我們將以這首「你是我的兄弟」來共勉之,盼望明年的今日,我們能夠年年舉辦聯誼共聚歡樂,因為我會想念大家、我會思念大家,耑此 祈祝同學能夠順利考上律師、擔任公職者能夠步步高升、擔任代書者能夠業績長紅、全體師生、同學們能夠身體健康萬事如意。


First, from food safety issues, ecological issues, political issues and environ- mental issues, through in-depth analysis of the content, implementation process and effects of the Waste Disposal Law from all levels, this study expects to combine the scope of environmental science, economics and law. , to increase the effectiveness of laws and regulations, legal knowledge and environmental education to strengthen China's environmental protection, so that all citizens and human beings around the world have a clean, safe and hygienic living environment and activity space, so as to continue the survival and development of human beings, In particular, the generation of waste caused by economic growth and industrial development is an inevitable part of the manufacturing process. How to comply with the obligations stipulated by the Waste Disposal Law under the requirements of corporate governance, so as to exempt from legal responsibilities, is currently every The spirit of Corporate Social Respon -sibility (CSR), which is extremely important for business owners, the current "Waste Disposal Law" has Article 11 of the legislation regarding the disposal of waste: "Regulations on general waste disposal entities shall be Responsibilities of the agency, management agency and the owner, manager or user of private land or buildings to clear the area", Article 14: "General waste should be cleared and disposed of by the executive agency", Article 15: " The manufacturer, importer or raw material, importer or manufacturer, and seller of articles or packaging and containers shall be jointly and severally responsible for recycling, clearing, and processing.” Article 16: “The “responsible business operator” who shall be responsible for recycling, clearing, and processing Recycling, clearing, and disposal fees shall be paid according to the rates announced by the government as a management system for the resource recovery fund allocated and used by the central competent authority. Responsibilities and Environmental Improvement Responsibilities" and Article 71: "Illegal disposal of waste may be ordered by the management agency and executive agency to be removed and disposed of within a time limit, and the client, trustee, manager, user, and owner shall be responsible for the second time. The joint respon -sibility for clearing and improving the environment, if it is not overdue, the mana -gement agency and the enforcement agency may forcefully enter public and private sites to carry out relevant measures such as sampling, testing, removal or treatment without the consent of the land owner, manager or user. The government clears the disposal costs on its behalf, and the executive agency has the right to exercise the right of compensation, and if the payment is not made within the time limit, it will be transferred to the administrative executive agency for compulsory execution (see Article 65 of the Waste Disposal Law).” Joint and several liability between trustees and the norms of criminal law and administrative penalty law, the management theory, economic legal theory, illegal state and practical insights analysis of the scope of joint and several liability and the liability for the actions involved, and citing court judgments for case analysis, looking forward to through This research develops appropriate legislative and executive aspects, improves human living environment and refines waste management system, so as to achieve the effect of reducing waste generation and balanced development of ecological health and safety, and emphasizes ecological environment, resource recovery and zero waste The concept of things, to enhance the concept of green energy for all people and to properly discuss policies that are in line with people's conditions, legal systems and good management, emphasizing the four major responsibilities of corporate social responsibility—economic responsibility Responsibilities, two legal responsibilities, three ethical responsibilities, and four discretionary responsibilities are integrated into the international carbon rights and carbon tax mechanisms to deal with the policy, and finally put forward the amendments to the waste disposal law, environmental protec -tion responsibilities and technical personnel training management methods. The draft Environmental Dispute Resolution Act is the recommendation and conclusion of this study.


論文集,行政院勞工委員會出版,頁 124,2007年。
