  • 學位論文

公共藝術教學對國小學生美感能力提升之個案研究 —以五光國小高年級為例

A Case Study of Aesthetics Competence by Teaching Public Art for Elementary School Students —Taking Senior Grades of Wu-Goung Elementary School for Example

指導教授 : 黃庭超


摘 要 公共藝術是在公共空間展示、展演的藝術作品,與民眾公共生活空間相結合且能美化視覺與空間環境的藝術活動。教育部自2014年開始,積極致力於美感教育之落實與紮根。本研究目的,希望配合政府推動的公共藝術活動,落實於國小藝術與人文課程,探究國小實施公共藝術教學,對學生美感能力提升之成效。 本研究藉由五光國小申請臺中市文化局外聘公共藝術師資教學活動及校內教師自編之公共藝術課程,以學生教學、校外參訪及實作課程為主要學習活動,並以問卷、學習單及個別訪談為研究方法。經觀察與問卷、學習單、訪談分析之研究結果,提出研究結論於后: 一、五光國小使用經教育部審定的教材中,在公共藝術課程部分,康軒版未編列,而翰林版僅一冊中的一個小單元提及公共藝術教學,課程顯然不足。需加入自編課程,才能符合教學需求,並達到政府推動公共藝術的目的。 二、研究發現,透過公共藝術教學,能引起學童對自我環境的認同,學習欣賞、珍惜與愛護生活周遭的環境美學,並懂得尊重與了解藝術作品,提升美感鑑賞能力。 三、學童經過公共藝術教學校外參訪與實地創作後,對環境中的公共藝術品,已能主動接觸並喜歡藝術,接近藝術。 四、學童經由教學後,對構圖及配色等能力有了明顯的提升,對美的原理原則、形式、 表現材質、手法、及作品內涵,有更進一步的理解與認識,提升了美感能力。 以上結論證實,在國小實施公共藝術教學,確有其必要及重要性,具正面意義, 應積極推廣。 經由研究結果,提出相關建議如下: 一、建議公共藝術能加強作品說明牌,以提供觀賞者更多的欣賞與想像空間。 二、應積極編列公共藝術相關教材於國小等各年段,從小提升美感能力將更具成效。


公共藝術 美感教育


ABSTRACT A procedure is Public Art is the art exhibition which beatifies the visual and the space of the public area where connect to the daily activities of public. Via enhancing the aesthetic education from the grass-root level, the Ministry of Education hopes to improve the application of daily lives of citizen with aesthetic education and their aesthetic, to beautify their home and to the ultimate beauty and kind society. The purpose of this study is to understand the effectiveness of improving aesthetic capability among elementary students through the implementation of public art education, which coped with the government's promotion of public art activities, and the implementation of art and humanity curricula in elementary school. This instructional activities were conducted by external public art teachers sponsored by Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau from the application of Wu Goung Elementary School. The activities studied including lectures, site visits, and mainly hands-on activities. The assessment tools were questionnaire, learning paper, and interviews. The concluded results: 1. Lack of public art education curriculum. In the approved versions of Art and Humanity course materials by the Ministry of education, there is no exists in Kang Hsuan, and only one module/section in the Han Lin, regarding the public art education. Therefore, it was necessary to add some self-designed curriculum to fulfill the needs of public art education classes as well as the government-set goals to promote public art. 2. We observed that students recognized the environment and learned to enjoy, to cherish, and to love the surrounding environment after the public art instruction. The students learned to respect and understand the artwork and improved the aesthetic feeling of the artwork. 3. The students actively show their interests of the artworks after the public art instruction, and site visits. 4. After the instructions, the students significantly improved their sketching and coloring capabilities. They also demonstrated their deeper understanding of principles, formats, materials, and expressions of different artwork. Suggestions from this study: 1. Improve the labeling of public artwork, which will stimulate the viewers' imagination and enjoyment. 2. More public art curriculum should be designed and added to all levels of curricula to cultivate the aesthetic senses and capabilities..


public art aesthetic education


一、 中文參考書目


