  • 學位論文


The Study of Alternative to Imprisonment─On the Center of Conmunity Service Order

指導教授 : 黃承啟


我國為落實寛嚴並進的刑事政策,推動以人為本的易刑處分替代措施,使微罪受刑人能兼顧家庭、學業與工作,不與社會脫節,並避免因貧富差距擴大而造成短期自由刑執行的不公平現象,將原本應入監執行短期自由刑的受刑人轉向,希望重罪重罰,輕罪輕罰。 而隨著金融風暴席捲全球,犯罪率與失業率衝擊臺灣治安安定性,政府為了因應經濟危機,同時解決監獄收容爆滿的問題,法務部也因監獄超額收容嚴重、增建監獄困難及短期自由刑入監人數屢創新高之困境下,於2009年提出增訂易服社會勞動制度,作為折衷之解決方案。易服社會勞動制度為社區處遇的一種,也是我國易刑處分的一種,係仿效歐美盛行已久的「社區服務」制度,社區服務係要求犯罪人在社區提供一定時數之工作與服務,來回饋社區,補償社區因其犯罪所生的損害,替代入監執行,因此於刑法當中增訂易服社會勞動制度。雖然社會勞動制度紓解監獄擁擠壓力的問題,節省社會國家的財政負擔,也同時減少犯罪所衍生的其他問題。惟此制度在立法上及實踐上是否周全、執行層面是否有問題,皆有待討論,本文嘗試對施行易服社會勞動制度提出檢討與建議。


This study aimed to explore the current legal construction and issues regarding the promotion of the social labor system in Taiwan, especially whether there are a lot of difficulties in the management of social labor and their practices. Implementing cooperative partnership helps to improve communications among the three parties, make the overall atmosphere warmer and more harmonic, and reduce confrontations, so that social labor can see things from not just their angle and perspective during their social labor service period. The research found that impaired familial, marital, school and occupational bonding with delinquent peer’s accompanying leaded individuals into criminal career. Nevertheless, those impacts would transform themselves into fair controlled bonding after the appearance of important others in their lives, transition of critical life events and enhancement of self–awareness, and then brought about regular life style; stopped their criminal career and facilitated reintegration. However, due to hasty policy formulation and implementation, they are obviously still plenty of rooms for improvement ,such as: the system operation efficiency, the counseling skills among inmates’ enlightenment education, the coordination between supervisory and executive agencies, advanced training and better welfare and fringe benefit of related personnel etc. Finally, the main purposes of my research is to improve the whole system and to reassure a more productive and harmonious society.


1. 林山田,犯罪學,修訂版,臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,2005年04月。
2. 林山田,刑法通論(下),臺北市:元照出版有限公司,2008年01月。
