  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Analysis in Vietnam for Taiwanese Firms

指導教授 : 張廷政


近年來東南亞的國外投資方興未艾, 外資不斷湧入. 其中又以越南和 台灣間之關係最密切. 本篇研究首先針對東南亞國協各國的投資環境和優 劣因素作分析. 找出越南在東南亞國家之投資定位. 接著分析台灣與越南 十年來的經濟互動關係,進入WTO 前後的變化. 最後, 以案例分析來說明台 灣投資在越南的整體投資環境中居於何種地位, 進而找出台灣在越南的投 資定位. 台灣近年經濟轉型, 不再是以資本輸入為主軸. 如何將國內製造業的 技術與資本引導到適切的區域更是迫切需要解決的問題. 截至目前, 越南 仍是我國對外投資最理想的區域之一. 透過本篇研究希望能提供有意赴越 投資者參考.


This article discuss on a study of factors analysis in Vietnam for Taiwanese firms. First, we talking about how the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) attract foreign directly investment(FDI). Second, what are main factors attracting foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Vietnam. Second, Vietnam-Taiwan Trade Cooperation Before and After Vietnam Join WTO, discuss on how the relationship changed between Taiwan and Vietnam in economy cooperation these decades. Third, the role of foreign direct investment for manufacturing sector in Vietnam: a case study of Taiwan, discusses on the role Taiwan play in the FDI of Vietnam. By examining the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in ASEAN and Taiwan’s FDI for manufacturing sector in Vietnam over the 2000 - 2011 period using statistical comparative method and data from the annual survey of all enterprises in Vietnam. Taiwan economy now not just faces the inflow investment but also the outflow of the capital and technology investment. Other than China, Vietnam is the closest country around Taiwan. By way of this research and analysis of FDI in ASEAN countries and the inter reaction of Taiwan-Vietnam. We may find the way for Taiwan investors a reference recommendation.


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