  • 學位論文

醫療業務代表的睡眠品質及相關因素的研究- 以中部地區為例

A Study of the Factors Associated with Sleep Quality of Pofessional Sales Representatives in Taiwan

指導教授 : 藍守仁


睡眠是生活品質中一個重要的部分,具有恢復精力與能量保存( e n e r g y c o n s e r v a t i o n ) 之功能, 近年來台灣的醫療產業在一連串的巨大變化, 其中所涉及的包括製藥產業對其經營通路形態的轉變及相關產品品項的大幅調整, 還有大型醫療院所其用藥的採購方式及用藥品項均與一般中小型醫院有所差異。本研究對象的行業別屬於醫藥銷售不同於其他行業, 而目前由於社會對於這個行業的特殊觀感, 而造成這個行業的工作壓力增加,往往會影響研究對象的睡眠品質, 所以想針對這個群體的睡眠品質和工作壓力之間的關係做一個探討。 本研究是以中部地區的原開發廠、本土藥廠、代理商等藥廠在中區健保局的醫院、診所的醫藥業務代表為研究對象,主要以中彰投的醫藥代表為研就對象, 以隨機抽樣做問卷調查,預估做 15 0 份問卷。研究工具是一份自陳問卷, 內容以個人因素、工作壓力評量表、匹茲堡睡眠品質指標評量表和日間精神狀態評量量表。共收回1 1 6 份問卷, 回收率約為7 0 % 。 研究發現整體睡眠品質佳的有31 . 9% ( 37人) , 睡眠品質差的有68 . 1% ( 79人) 。整體睡眠品質的平均值為11 . 5 4( 標準差: 2 . 3 5) , 週末假日的睡眠品質較週間的睡眠品質為佳。研究對象的睡眠品質與工作壓力以及個人因素中「醫院屬性」, 「服務的公司」呈顯著的關係, 故「工作壓力愈大」、「醫院屬性」, 「服務的公司」不同者, 其睡眠品質愈差。「工作壓力愈大」、「醫院屬性」, 「服務的公司」與睡眠品質相關的變項, 對睡眠品質的解釋力為63% 。 本研究影響研究對象睡眠品質的相關因素, 主要在醫院的屬性, 因為區域級的醫院政策易受健保政策的影響, 所以常常會遇到醫院議價, 往往造成工作壓力的負擔而影響到睡眠品質, 而研究對象往往會因為服務公司的不同, 因為公司的制度不同而有不同的工作壓力, 常會影響到睡眠品質, 如何去減輕工作壓力, 應是每一個公司努力的方向, 但在大環境影響下, 醫藥的環境不會更好, 希望研究對象能調整自己的心態讓自己的睡眠品質改善。


Sleep is vital to a person’s quality of life and plays a vital role in the recovery and conservation of energy. In recent years, the healthcare industry in Taiwan has undergone dramatic changes, including pharmaceutical companies transforming their marketing channels, markedly adjusting their products, and the differences regarding purchasing methods and medication products between large scale, and middle to small scale hospitals. Since the occupation of medical sales is different from other jobs, and due to the special perspective that society has towards this industry, people working in this industry often suffer from increased stress, and their sleep quality is influenced as a result. Therefore, this research aims to explore the relationship between sleep quality and job stress among this particular group. The Research subjects of this study are those who work for original or local pharmaceutical companys or agents in Taichung, Changhua and Nantou as pharmaceutical sales representatives in NHI-contracted hospitals and clinics in central Taiwan. Research subjects were chosen randomly from an estimated 150 questionnaires that were completed.Research instruments included self-report questionnaires assessing personal factors, a job stress evaluation chart, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and a daytime mental status evaluation scale. A total of 116 questionnaires were retrieved, with a response rate of approximately 70%. This study finds that, of the research subjects, 39% had good overall sleep quality (37 subjects), 68.1% had poor sleep quality (79 subjects), and the average score of overall sleep quality was 11.54 (SD = 2.35). In addition, sleep quality during weekends is better than that on weekdays. Furthermore, this study found that there is a significant relationship between sleep quality, job stress and personal factors (i.e., hospital attributes, affiliated companies). Therfore, the greater the level of stress of the research subjects, different hospital attributes, and affiliated companies, the worse the quality of sleep. The explanatory factor of greater work stress, hospital attributes and affiliated companies on sleep quality is 63%. The factors that affect the sleep quality of the research subjects in this study can be mainly attributed to hospitals. Because the decisions of regional hospitals tend to be influenced by the policies of the Bureau of National Health Insurance, pharmaceutical sales representative often need to deal with the issue of price negotiation, causing them stress, and influencing the quality of their sleep. In addition, often due to different service companies, the job stress of the research subjects usually varies with the varying systems of the company and their quality of sleep is thus affected. Although each pharmaceutical company should strive to reduce job stress, it is hoped that research subjects will better adapt themselves to the environment so as to improve their own sleep quality, as the medical environent will not improve.


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