  • 學位論文


A Research on the behavior of catalogue Consumers—Based on a catalogue company

指導教授 : 張庭彰


隨著經濟的起飛國民所得的增加,物流體系的形成和發展,臺灣的型錄市場受國外的影響日趨蓬勃,每年的型錄約有40-50億的市場,電子商務隨著網路的興起已成拓展商機的管道,為型錄蘊育了發展的機遇,從紙張型錄延伸到電子型錄,網路購物成了業者重視的行銷通路,網際網路將是未來生活的重心、商業交易的主流。 本研究探討型錄的進程、臺灣型錄的發展現況,希望能經由行銷公司的個案分析,探究臺灣消費者選擇型錄購物的因素,對是否使用型錄進行消費行為差異之分析,瞭解使用紙張型錄、電子型錄的差異,試圖找出影響型錄購物意願的因素,本研究以消費行為理論為基礎,探索消費者的消費動機、消費心理、消費行為和相關影響因素。 選擇臺灣某型錄公司作為個案研究,是基於該型錄公司龐大的組織體系、完善的型錄發展機制、先進的電子商務和電子型錄;據此研究型錄購物之消費行為,提供廠商制定行銷策略參考。本研究採用問卷調查方式,樣本採取滾雪球抽樣進行,以臺灣地區的型錄消費群體作爲研究調查對象,探討型錄購物的認知、型錄購物動機、消費者的個人特性對型錄購物行為的影響,以文獻理論建立研究架構,擬定研究假設,共發放問卷850份,回收595份,有效問卷562份,以卡方分析、變異數分析等作資料分析和假設檢定。 研究發現愈重視購物便利性的消費者,使用型錄購物的意願愈高;價格知覺高的消費者使用型錄購物的意願較高;不同網路使用、型錄購物經驗的消費者,其消費行為存在顯著差異;信譽卓越、提供商品種類較多、付款及宅配方式多樣化的網路商店,較能激發消費者使用型錄購物的意願。


With the development of the economic and the increasing of people’s income, the catalogue market in Taiwan is becoming more and more flourishing. The annual market value has reached nearly 4 billion to 5 billion. Therefore, e-commerce has become the pipeline to expand business opportunity. This research analyzes the development of the catalogue shopping. By studying the marketing method of a company to analyze the differences of the consumer behavior as well as distinguish the differences between the paper catalogue and the electron catalogue. Further, find what affects customers who shop through catalogues. The research is base on one of the catalogue companies, which has large structure, well organized catalogue system, and advanced electronic catalogues. By using questionnaire and take the samples randomly. The questionnaire is catering the catalogue customers in terms of catalogue shopping cognitive, motivation, consumer’s individuality that affects the catalogue shopping. Out of the 850 questionnaires that are distributed, 595 have been returned with 562 valid samples, we get the results through x2 test and Analysis of variance. We found that the more convenience of the shopping experience, the higher of customers interested in catalogue shopping. The customers with high concern on price are more interested in catalogue shopping. As opposed to the customers who shop online, catalogue shoppers have different shopping patterns. The catalogues stores are well known, provide various products, payment methods and delivery methods that could attract more customers.


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