  • 學位論文


An Application of Quality Function Deployment to the Service Quality of Hot Spring Hotel-An Empirical Study to the Hot Spring Area of Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 林士彥


隨著近年來國內哈日風潮的興起,伴隨著國人對於養生保健的觀念逐漸重視,一時之間國人利用週休二日的時間從事溫泉旅遊的活動蔚為風氣。加以台灣又擁有豐富的溫泉資源,政府亦把溫泉區的整建與開發列為觀光客倍增計畫中的重點,所以台灣地區的溫泉旅館近來亦有如雨後春筍般林立。九二一地震後,中部地區的觀光產業受到嚴重衝擊,經過數年的重建後,許多觀光景點已逐漸恢復昔日面貌。當地的業者為了重振旗鼓與響應政府的觀光客倍增計畫,莫不期望以創新的服務內容或更高的服務品質來吸引更多國內外的旅客。然對溫泉旅館之經營者而言,對於服務品質的衡量與顧客需求之了解經常缺乏科學之方法,故本研究乃試圖藉由鮮少運用於旅館業,但在製造業中已行之多年的品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)法來提供中部地區溫泉旅館業者,做為擬定經營策略與提升服務品質時之參考,期能幫助業者能以最合理的成本,在最短的時間內依據本身的資源條件呼應顧客所真正需求的品質。本研究的主要成果如下: 1.建構一套評估台灣中部溫泉旅館服務品質之模式 2.衡量中部地區溫泉旅館之服務品質缺口 3.透過品質機能展開法將遊客之服務品質需求轉化為溫泉旅館之技術需求 4.運用灰關聯分析法分析溫泉旅館重要之品質技術改善項目 5.針對台灣中部溫泉旅館提出經營業務上改善之具體建議


Recently, with the popularity of Japanese hot spring culture and the gradual advancement in health concept of Taiwanese, people have been taking advantage of 2-day weekend to engage in hot spring traveling. Taiwan has abundant sources of hot springs. Therefore, the government emphasized the development and construction of spring areas. Many hot-spring hotels have since opened after the devastating 1999 earthquake; the tourism industry has been severely damaged. Since 1999, most tourist spots have regained popularity. The local business owners tried hard to attract customers by offering innovative services on higher quality product. Yet, they often lack scientific method to measure the service quality and to understand the customers’ demand. This research tried to apply the Quality Function Development, QFD, traditionally used in production management, to the service industry. Hopefully, our research can help the local businessmen to satisfy customers’ demand for quality in the shortest time within possible means.Our main results are the following: 1.Contracted a quality evaluation model for hot-spring hotels in central Taiwan. 2.Measured the service quality gap of such hotels. 3.Translated the demand of service quality to technical demand by QFD. 4.Analyzed the most important quality technology by grey relational analysis (GRA). 5.Offered concrete suggestion for operational management of such hot-spring hotels in central Taiwan.


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