  • 學位論文


The health management of hot spring hotels

指導教授 : 蘇喜


溫泉旅館是一個提供溫泉兼具住宿、餐飲及社交的場所,因為擁有核心產品泡湯的服務,故有別於一般的旅館。溫泉旅館的溫泉產品中不論是泡湯或是餐飲都可以促進健康,但是使用不當時也會衍生衛生及安全上的問題,而其中溫泉旅館之經理人在滿足消費者的健康需求上著實扮演著關鍵性的角色。本研究則是依照溫泉旅館經理人的觀點,來探討溫泉旅館優質的健康管理品質,也希望能藉此能提出一些建設性的建議,讓溫泉旅館能強化其服務品質以確保湯客的權益。 本研究是以中華民國溫泉觀光協會所屬溫泉旅館之經理人為調查對象,用問卷調查的方式來瞭解溫泉旅館的現況與未來的展望;實際發出之問卷共257份,回收184份,整體問卷之回收率為71.6%,扣除填答不全之問卷後,有效問卷共150份,佔所有回收問卷81.5%,調查時間自自民國九十五年五月一日至九十五年七月三十一日止。 研究過程係依照150位溫泉旅館經理人的觀點來瞭解目前溫泉旅館的特性與營運狀況及溫泉旅館經理人在健康管理品質認知上的差異。使用之統計工具為SPSS(10.0)版,其統計方法則包括使用Reliability analysis-scale分析量表的信度,用Descriptive statistics對溫泉旅館經理人之基本資料、溫泉旅館之特性及健康管理相關之議題作描述性的分析,用t-test分別對其性別、學歷高低、職位位階、年資多寡及近一年內是否參與政府、溫泉協會或是溫泉旅館所舉辦之研討會與溫泉旅館之性質規模、有否教育訓練單位、溫泉問題諮詢及醫療指導專責單位在健康管理品質方面作差異性分析,並使用Pearson correlation對溫泉旅館經理人對於健康管理品質瞭解程度、需求性、幫助性及配合意願四者之間的作相關性分析;最後在依據一些相關文獻的探討及問卷的結果建立起一套溫泉旅館健康管理的模式。 資料在分析後得到以下之結果:(1)溫泉旅館有健康管理品質上的需求而且溫泉旅館經理人認為健康管理品質對於溫泉旅館的發展是有幫助的,並且對健康管理品質有極高的配合意願、(2)溫泉旅館經理人在溫泉法令規章方面的瞭解還有待加強而且在溫泉知識上的教育訓練是不足的、(3)溫泉旅館中設有溫泉相關問題之諮詢或泡湯之醫療指導專責單位的經理人在健康管理品質方面之瞭解程度及配合意願較高,而且也認為健康管理品質對於溫泉旅館的幫助性也較大、(4)有教育訓練單位的溫泉旅館經理人認為溫泉旅館對於健康管理品質的需求性較高、(5)溫泉旅館經理人對健康管理品質瞭解程度越高,其認為健康管理品質對於溫泉旅館的幫助性也越高、(6)溫泉旅館有溫泉醫療方面之需求,而且經理人對於溫泉醫療亦有極高的配合意願、(7)地方政府有效的協助與配合是未來協助溫泉旅館發展的重要因素。 完善的健康管理是溫泉旅館服務品質中非常重要的一部份,其設施要安全、水質要衛生、飲食要健康及從業人員要專業,而消費者要如何能泡的安心及吃的健康,這些都是溫泉旅館健康管理的核心價值所在;溫泉旅館健康管理之目的,在消極面為預防並確保消費者的衛生與安全,而在積極面則是提供客製化的服務以促進湯客們的健康。溫泉旅館在開創健康產業特色的同時,還必需要有政府、學界、醫界、溫泉協會及民眾共同的參與與努力方能達到一個健康泡湯文化的目標。


Hot spring hotels can supply places with hot spring, lodging, food service and social contact, which are different from general hotels due to the service with core product of hot spring bathing. For the hot spring products of hot spring hotels, no matter hot spring bathing or food could enhance the health, but the health and safety problems might be derived due to improper utilization. The managers of hot spring hotels are really playing a key role to satisfy the demand of consumers' health among them. In this study, we discuss the fine health management quality of hot spring hotels according to the views of the managers. We also hope to get some constructive suggestions to strengthen the service quality of hot spring hotels so as to assure the rights of guests. The subjects of this study were the managers who belong to The Hot Spring Tourism Association Taiwan. We used the questionnaires to study the present conditions and future prospects of hot spring hotels. 257 questionnaires were distributed and 184 of them were returned. The return rate was 71.6%. Excluding the incomplete ones, there were 150 effective questionnaires which were 81.5% of returned questionnaires. The survey was conducted from May 1, 2006 to July 31, 2006. The process of this study was the conduct of understanding the characteristics and operative conditions of present hot spring hotels according to the views of 150 managers, and comparison of the realizations of health management quality of managers. SPSS (10.0) was used for statistic analysis in this study. The statistic methods include using Reliability Analysis-scale to determine the reliability of data, using Descriptive Statistics to perform the descriptive analysis of the basic data of managers, and the characteristic and associated health management issues of hot spring hotels, using t-test to perform the differential analysis of the health management quality among the managers who are different in gender, educational background, grade of position, seniority and whether they had participate the seminar held by the government, hot spring associations, or hot spring hotels in past one year, and the magnitude of hot spring hotels, and whether the differential analysis of health management quality had been conducted by the education and training unit, the hot spring consulting unit and the medical directive unit, and using Pearson correlation to analyze the correlation between the understanding status, need, assistance and cooperated wish of health management quality to the managers. Finally, we built a model of health management of hot spring hotels according to the studies of associated references and results of these questionnaires. After analyzing the data, the following results were concluded: (1) there were requirements of health management quality in hot spring hotels, and the managers thought they were good for the development of hot spring hotels and wished to cooperate to it. (2) The managers were necessary to understand completely the regulations of hot spring and the education and training of hot spring knowledge were not enough for them. (3) The managers whose hot spring hotels had the hot spring consulting unit and medical directive unit had more comprehensible and cooperated in health management quality, and they also thought this quality was helpful to hot spring hotels. (4) The managers whose hot spring hotels had the education and training unit thought there was relatively higher requisition of health management quality to hot spring hotels. (5) The managers had more understanding of health management quality; it would be more helpful for the health management quality of hot spring hotels. (6) There were requisition of the hot spring therapy to hot spring hotels, and managers also had the wish to cooperate with the hot spring therapy. (7) The effective assistance and cooperation of local government are important factors to help the development of hot spring hotels in the future. The fine health management is a very important part of service quality in hot spring hotels. It is the core value of health management of hot spring hotels that provide the safe facility, hygienic water, healthy food and professional employees that are necessary to the guests who could have safe bathing and healthful eating. The purpose of health management of hot spring hotels is passively to prevent and assure the hygiene and safety of guests, but aggressively enhance the guests' health. At the same time, hot spring hotels that creating the characteristics of health industry must be cooperated with the government, academia, medicine sector, hot spring associations, and guests so as to achieve the target of healthy bathing culture.


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