  • 學位論文


Applying CMMI Methodology to Improve the Feeder Inquire Time-A Case Study Of Domestic State-Run Enterprise

指導教授 : 呂克明


隨著時代演進及各種產業蓬勃發展的因素下,無論是個人、團體、企業乃至於國家,都必須努力的提升自我競爭能力,而科技的迅速發展,也充分帶給我們在生活與職場上許多便利之處,同時也逐漸改變了我們既有型態的生活模式。21世紀工商業發達的時代中,資訊科技掌握了一切,新知識與新發明不斷的發展,電腦、網路與數位化等技術的日新月異,讓原有的社會行為,如政治、經濟、教育、人際關係、意識形態與價值觀等都很快的被新的事物與思潮取而代之。 在外來環境的衝擊及帶動下,為因應軟體技術的日益更新、企業規模的增大、軟體資源數量的大量增加,軟體系統開發日益複雜,如何有效的利用軟體技術、人力與企業資源在時程與預算內發展高品質之軟體產品,軟體開發流程扮演相當重要的角色,使用CMMI的管理方法,使企業得以大幅降低生產成本、提昇產品品質與顧客滿意度、進而提高整體的競爭力。 CMMI 是國際上認同改善軟體發展流程的模式,其主要的目的,在於提供指引以改善組織流程,以及發展、取得及維護產品或服務的管理能力。CMMI模式將許多經過驗證的方法加入架構中,來幫助組織評鑑其成熟度或流程領域能力度、建立改善的優先順序,以及實施改善方案。 基於上述的背景,現今國營企業的經營理念及方法,不能在墨守成規,而是需要不停的改進來推動現有的業務;導入CMMI 時,可以選擇「分階表述模式」的模式架構,也可以依照企業的需求選擇「連續表述模式」模式選擇性的導入,連續式表述把流程領域依其特性分為2 類:流程管理、工程、專案管理、支援,評鑑時以各流程領域分別認定之;分階表述模式則把流程領域分佈到1-3 階段的能力成熟度中,第一階段是初始層,第二階段是管理層,第三階段已定義層,第四階段已管理層,第五階段最佳化層,評鑑時以整體組織成熟度分級認定之。 本研究主軸是運用CMMI「分階表述模式」的第二階段管理層模式架構,其主要是利用戴明環模式和特性要因圖俗稱魚骨圖的手法,藉由不斷的重複操作、演練及改善,逐步將CMMI的每一個關鍵程序指標導入到組織裡,來評估縮短專案時程,並進一步改善饋線資料查詢時間,藉著成果的展現,來驗證並達到CMMI Level 2的指標,更可提升公司內部專案品質,善用資訊科技共享資源、簡化既有作業流程、提高工作效率。


CMMI has earned the recognition in the world that improves the ways in which the software develope procedures. Its main purpose is to provide the guidance in order to improve and organize the procedures as well as the managerial abilities that develop to obtain and maintain the products or the services. CMMI based model joins a great deal of methods that is proven in structure in order to help the organization to evaluate the degree of its maturity or the procedure of domain ability, establish the priorities of betterment projects, and implement the scheme of improvement. Currently the management ideas and methods of the state-run enterprises, can not be sticked to the established practice, but need continuing changes to promote the existing business. The purpose of this research is to apply the second stage of CMMI that is defined as the layer of repeatable “stage type state” structure. Its method is mainly the tactics of utilizing Deming Cycle and Cause and Effect Diagram with constant repetitive operation, drilling and improving, while channeling every key procedure index of CMMI into structure and organizing progressively, to evaluate the changes that shorten the project required time as well as reduce the feeder materials and the inquiry time. Then, it makes use of the representing of the achievement to prove and reach the index of CMMI Level 2. Furthermore, it can improve the quality of specific projects inside the company, make the best of the scientific and technological shared resource of information, simplify existing procedure of work, and improve working efficiency.


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