  • 學位論文


A Study of the Use Satisfaction on the Service Quality of the Library Website from the Physical Information Needs’ Concepts –An Example of the China Medical Hospital Library

指導教授 : 呂克明


近年來,隨著網際網路與電腦通訊科技日益進展的趨勢,落實了雙向傳播的理想,以一種更具開放性、互動性的傳播方式,帶動了新一波的知識革命,達到資訊平民化,使得資訊的取用更加的方便,造就了圖書館提供資訊服務的新思維與轉變。於是,圖書館莫不積極地思考如何利用網路特性來延伸圖書館的服務,紛紛引進電子資源、建置圖書館網站,透過網路媒介建立資訊傳播行銷通道,作為圖書館延伸實體圖書館服務的第二個服務窗口,甚至是使用者取得圖書館資訊與網路資源的入口網站。然而,目前圖書館網站建置多藉由學者或館員發展出來的網站資源評估準則來設計、衡量圖書館網站品質,甚少融入使用者的意見,導致所建置的網站與使用者需求產生極大的差距,圖書館網站雖然提供了豐富資訊,但往往不知所設計的網站是否是個好網站,網站所提供的資訊內涵是否即時、正確,符合使用者資訊需求與服務,使用者是否真正明瞭要呈現的資訊,及知道如何使用這個網站。因此,對向來講求以服務為導向的圖書館而言,重視顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)的使用者滿意度,成了新世紀圖書館提供資訊服務,維持圖書館網站永續經營的關鍵,圖書館若欲透過網站提供符合使用者真正需求的服務,瞭解讀者的資訊需求及其如何知覺網站品質,乃成為重要的探討課題。 是故本研究以提升網站品質為課題進行使用者研究,以文獻分析法與問卷調查法為主要研究方法,選定中國醫藥大學附設醫院圖書館網站為研究個案,住院醫師級以上人員為研究對象,由使用者角度出發,參考國內外有關「資訊需求」之相關調查與實證研究及Aladwani and Palvia(2002)兩位學者所發展的「使用者知覺網站品質評量表」,加以歸納分析設計問卷評量項目,作為問卷研究工具,瞭解中國醫藥大學附設醫院的醫師資訊需求及利用圖書館網站的情形,探究其對圖書館網站資訊需求滿意程度,以及探討醫師在使用圖書館網站後對圖書館網站品質的評價,並期能根據研究結果作為提升圖書館網站品質、規劃醫學資訊服務及培養讀者資訊素養的參考依據,最後並嘗試提出建議分析作為其他醫院圖書館網站經營與改進之參考。 本研究為有效掌握問卷回收率,及考量醫師平日工作忙碌及閱讀習性,採用人工問卷發放分式,於93年12月1日至12月31日調查期間,以各部科主任助理為問卷收送窗口,透過醫院公文傳送方式,由各部科行政助理協助問卷轉交及問卷回收工作,總計發放問卷568份,截至民國94年1月15日止,總計回收349份,回收率61.4﹪,之後再以SPSS for Windows 11.5英文視窗版為分析工具,以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析等四種方法進行統計分析。研究結果顯示: 一、醫師使用網路已相當普遍化,利用網際網路自行找尋資料已成為日常生活中尋求資訊的行為模式,實體圖書館已不再是醫師獲取資訊的唯一途徑。 二、醫師資訊需求的動機主要是獲取新知、進行研究計劃及教學研究;最常獲得資訊的來源以電子期刊、紙本之期刊文章、圖書最多;在尋求資訊時最重視資訊取得的容易程度;遇到資訊尋求難處時最常請館員協助;全文資料不易取得及網路連線速度太慢是醫師目前利用圖書館網站遇到的瓶頸。 三、圖書館網站所提供的醫學資訊服務普遍可滿足醫師的資訊需求,提供其臨床醫療工作品質的幫助、能協助快速找到臨床醫療工作相關資料並有助於醫事人員繼續教育。網站上最常使用的服務是資料庫或電子資源檢索服務,其它指引性資訊使用頻率並不理想,建議圖書館應多加強宣導及以較互動式的介面呈現網頁內容,以改善網站服務效能。 四、醫師對於圖書館網站整體品質滿意度甚高,其中男性對網站滿意度高於女性,主治醫師對網站滿意度高於住院醫師,教育程度則無顯著差異;在網站品質四大構面中以內容構面滿意度最高,網站技術構面滿意度最低;而外觀設計構面對網站品質具有最大的影響力,尤其深受年輕醫師的重視,圖書館應積極改善網站外觀設計,以提昇對網站品質滿意度。 最後針對研究結果提出建議: 一、有計畫地引進電子資源,提升全文資料的取得性。 二、利用網路建置互動式介面,規劃個人化的資訊服務。 三、進行醫師資訊需求評估,滿足讀者資訊的需求。 四、重視圖書館工作人員的繼續教育,提升圖書館員專業能力。 五、開辦網路資源利用的教育課程。 六、重視電腦硬體及網路環境的問題。 七、重視網站介面設計,提昇網站品質滿意度。


The popularization of information technology has promoted two-way communication. Therefore, the information service provided by library is changed to be more convenient. Hence, more and more libraries introduce electronic resources, build library websites, and establish information communication gateways by using the internet to extend library services. However, most library websites are based on the needs and criteria of the librarians, but library users’ opinions and needs were seldom considered. It is important to know if the website information matches user’s demands, and if the information is up-to-date. As a result, an emphasis on users’ satisfaction toward Customer Relationship Management becomes the key to library services in the new millennium. To maintain the sustainable use of library websites, it is important to understand the readers’ perceptions of the website quality. The purpose of this study is to conduct a user survey to improve website quality, and the research methods include literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The case is the library website of China Medical University Hospital, and the sample includes all the doctors on the campus. The questionnaire is based on an instrument “users’ perception of website quality” developed by Aladwani and Palvia (2002) and other empirical studies related to information demand. It is expected to improve website quality and readers’ information literacy through this survey, and then make recommendations for other library websites. This study delivered the questionnaire manually by the researcher to ensure a better return rate from December 1st to 31st, 2004. Totally 568 questionnaires were distributed and 349 returned by January 15th, 2005, with a return rate of 61.4﹪. The data was analyzed by SPSS for Windows English version 11.5, and descriptive statistics, independent-sample ‘t-tests, ANOVAs, and regression analysis were conducted. The data revealed the following results: 1.It was very common for doctors to utilize the Internet to search for information. The library itself was not the only way for them to gather information. 2.The motivation for the doctors to gather information included getting updated information, conducting research and facilitating teaching. They emphasized the ease of use of the information retrieving process, and they usually asked librarians to help with troubles during their search. These doctors encountered difficulty to get full-text information and they thought the Internet connection was too slow. 3.The medical information service provided by the library generally satisfied doctors’ needs. It helped with clinical work quality and enhanced the continual education of medical workers. The most frequently used service was database search, but other guidance information was not frequently used. The library is recommended to use interactive contents to improve the website efficacy. 4.The doctors held high satisfaction toward the general quality of library website. Male doctors and physician in charge had higher satisfaction than female. Doctors in charge had higher satisfaction than residents. There was no difference in satisfaction among different education levels. Among the four aspects of the website quality, the doctors were most satisfied with the content aspect, and were least satisfied with website technology. The design factor had the most influence on website quality, especially to young doctors. Several recommendations are raised according to the results from the study: 1.The library should plan to introduce electronic resources and increase full-text information. 2.The library should use the Internet to build interactive interface, to plan personalized information service. 3.The library should conduct requirement assessment for the doctors and meet readers’ demands. 4.The library should emphasize the professional development of library employees to improve their skills and abilities. 5.The library should hold educational courses about the utilization of Internet resource. 6.The library should emphasize the issues of computer hardware and Internet environments. 7.The library should emphasize website interface to improve website quality.


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