  • 學位論文


Building a Online Elementary School Integrated Administrative System

指導教授 : 林新力


台灣地區國民小學校園網路已於民國88 年的教育部「資訊教育基礎建設計畫」擴大內需方案建置完成,並於陸續的幾年內建置完成各類型伺服器。國民小學校園網路建置完成之後,「公文e 網通」1的趨勢更是如急流般湧進國民小學。隨著收發公文的全面電子化,也帶動了國民小學校內行政處室職務的網路化。傳統的紙本填報,透過網頁填報,讓原本的行政工作更有效率、更節省人力、更節省紙張。 但是要將原本的傳統的行政職務,轉換成網頁資料,放在網頁伺服器上讓教職人員使用、進行存取,對於不熟悉程式撰寫、不懂伺服器檔案管理的行政處室人員是一大困難。而且隨著各處室業務量的增加,放到網站上面的資料量也愈來愈多、愈來愈龐大複雜,但其實在各處室間有許多資料內容都是可重覆取用的。 行政職務若是能經由網路系統的整合,將會更有效利用校內資源、減少重覆性資料的填報。本論文將建置一套整合校務工作之網路行政系統,讓各處室的工作職務透過網路行政系統進行整合與管理,以期能確實達到資料共用。 依此目的,並以國民小學校園網路環境的考量,將此系統設計出開放式系統平台,包括前台客戶端、後台管理端,使用資料庫進行資料的存檔,並依各行政處室、職務,給予不同等級的權限。同時考慮了將來行政職務的移交,新任、舊任人員對職務交接的不完全、系統操作的不熟悉,造成網頁更新的困擾,將開發透過網頁即可修改、更新網站的內容,行政處室管理者也不須再學會使用超文件標示語言即可進行網站內容的維護與更新。


Taiwan area National Elementary school campus network has established in 1999 with “The Information Education Infrastructure Plan” by Ministry of Education , and establishes various types server in the several years. After the National Elementary school campus network establishes completes , “Archives e the net” is like the jet stream spills into the National Elementary school. Along with receiving and dispatching archives computerization, also has the elementary school administrative department room duty network. The desk work will be more effective, more economical manpower, more economical paper by the networking and computerization . It is very difficult to transform the traditional administrative duty to the homepage ,if they are do not understand the server management and computer program . More the traditional administrative paper increase , the website data is getting more huge and more complex , but has many material contents is actually may duplicate uses .If the traditional administrative duty can be replaced by the network system ,it can reduce duplicated work. The present paper will establish a network administrative system, lets each place room can using some duplicate data . According to this goal, and considerate by the National Elementary school campus network environment , it will desiged to be a open source system platform, including the client side, the management end, the information bank use . According to various administrative departments room , gives the different rank and the jurisdiction. The administrative department room superintendent can maintain their website by using the network administrative system and do not need to learn the hypertext markup language .


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