  • 學位論文


Implementation of a Sales Promotion Management System for 3C Industry

指導教授 : 曹世昌


近年來科技與整合技術的快速發展,3C商品成為市場上的主流,也帶動3C產業的興起。而目前台灣的市場環境,連鎖商店的經營佔有很大的經營優勢,原有的單一專賣店或3C零售商店,也紛紛的轉型成為大型的連鎖商店。在台灣3C連鎖商店百家爭鳴,彼此之間的競爭非常地激烈,加上3C商品是屬於微利的商品,在商品的銷售策略上往往採取薄利多銷;廠商為增加銷售量,通常透過行銷策略來達成,促銷是行銷策略中是最直接可以影響銷售量的方法。在台灣的3C連鎖商店中最常見到降價、優惠方案等…促銷宣傳,促銷不僅可以提昇營業額,另一方面也可促進商品的迴轉,減少滯銷,降低庫存。 大部分促銷管理著重在促銷的規劃及策略的運用,對於促銷策略最重要最直接可得知促銷成敗的銷售成果,通常缺少即時的數據化資訊來得知。因此促銷策略就無法依實際的銷售狀況來進行調整,在商品的庫存管理方面,庫存數量無法立即得知,通路的配送上無法做到即時的處理,進而錯失銷售的良機。故本論文運用資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)的技術,透過資料庫的規劃與建置,建立促銷即時資訊系統,企業的決策部門可從資料庫中擷取各區域、分店的銷售資訊得知銷售狀況及銷售達成率,進行促銷策略上的調整,在通路上,透過即時的庫存資訊,可以快速進行分店的補貨及配貨。本研究的結果,能使3C連鎖商店能在促銷活動上能夠掌握精確的數據,讓促銷達到最高的效益。


3C連鎖商店 即時資訊 促銷


Due to the fast development of technology and technology integration lately, 3C commodity becomes so popular on the market that 3C industry has started growing. The marketing in Taiwan toady shows that the chain stores have the more advantage in running 3C industry. The old independent-owned 3C stores were transformed into the chain stores gradually. Competition among the 3C chain stores is intense; the profit margin of 3C commodity is low; it usually adopts the low profit to increase sales. The industry has established the strategy of increasing sales by use of sales promotion. Sales promotion is the most direct method to increase sales. The 3C chain stores usually used the sales promotion to increase sales and at the mean time to reduce the inventory stocks. Most of the promotion management was focused at promotion plan and strategy application. The promotion management usually lacks the real time information to know the result of sales promotion. Therefore the sales promotion strategy can’t be adjusted to reflect the market. In the management of inventory stock, it lacks the real-time stock amount and on-time delivery logistics so the sales were lost. This research thesis demonstrates to build the real-time sales promotion management system for 3C chain stores by use of the information technology, and database design and setup. The executives and policy-making department can access the real-time sales status and sales achievement rate among sales regions, sales branches and sales stores. The real-time sales information can be used to adjust sales promotion strategy, and to facilitate the delivery logistics and inventory replenishment. The result of this research thesis can make 3C chain stores access the accurate and real-time information on sales promotion and therefore sales promotion can achieve the highest sales efficiency.


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