  • 學位論文


Study on the Contracting Out Policy of New Managerialism: Taking the Supported Employment in Taipei City as an example

指導教授 : 陳竹上


在新管理主義所帶動的政府再造運動中,經濟效率是其基本的理性基礎,隱含著降低政府支出,提高效率,減少政府職能的政策目的。政府在政策目標上,逐步走向以減少支出、提高效率的「經濟效益」優先原則。本研究運用深入訪談法、參與觀察法、文件分析法,主要的研究目的在於探討新管理主義經濟理性的本質下採行的契約委託策略,帶入台北市的身心障礙者職業重建領域之後,在不同的價值理念下,建構出什麼樣的制度環境,產生什麼樣的契約文化,這對身心障礙者的就業促進及專業實務的發展有何利弊?研究者希冀從新管理主義的理論缺陷上反省政策設計上的結構性問題,並提出具體的改善建議。 研究發現,由於我國行政體制功能性分工,不利於發展整合性的服務,再加上我國經濟發展及民間資源並不如先進國家發達,社會文化背景亦有諸多差異,且我國法制屬大陸法,不若英美習慣法國家以行政法令即可執行政策預算,這種種環境面因素,在制度設計上並未妥善考量;新管理主義以自利經濟人假設建構改革機制,忽略了人性中重要的社會性需求,整體政策理念與制度設計,並非站在身心障礙者的公民權益優先原則,身心障礙者實際上並沒有得到新管理主義宣稱的消費者選擇權與公民參與權力。支持性就業在嚴格的責信制度規範控制下,透過契約、評鑑機制與工作表格共同建構出一種「麥當勞化」(McDonaldization)的工作模式,使得支持性就業的服務內容顯得制式化、淺層化,核心概念逐漸稀釋甚至扭曲,西方文獻所證明的支持性就業應有成效並沒有充分發揮。 但至今官方並沒有針對契約委託的本質對於障礙者服務的適用性有積極的反省,反而有進一步將支持性就業商品化的現象,2009年開始試辦「按量計價」的個案委託模式即為明顯代表。儘管問題逐漸明顯,但政府科層對於傳統制度的路徑依賴(path dependency),卻使得許多重大的體制缺陷持續存在,而科層體制的約束,也成了官員們迴避問題的理由,支持性就業所處的制度環境,似乎處於出一種「理性的不理性」的契約文化中。支持性就業本質上缺乏市場條件,難以產生市場競爭機制;每年一簽的委託契約,容易造成長期服務的不連續,政府在契約委託適用範圍上應該有所限制。 研究建議,台北市的職業重建服務,在服務的提供上應逐漸轉向公私混合提供模式(mixed public-private delivery),「身心障礙者就業資源中心」的功能應重新定位。公務人力參與直接服務,有利於專業知能的提升以及對於實務問題的貼近,可促進服務品質改善,亦可增加身心障礙者的服務選擇。在支持性就業部分,應導正其核心概念與原則,在公平正義與效率平衡之下修正評鑑制度與契約管理模式,依照障別差異設計服務模式及工作表格;對於專業缺口如心理諮商,應積極補強;在預算編列上,應從身心障礙者的公民權益優先來思考政策的合理性與可行性,找出促進機構多元發展與降低機構資源依賴的均衡點,積極爭取必要的法令與經常預算支持,在不損害服務品質下提高成本效益。


Under the ideology of the revolution of the New Managerialism, the policy of the employment for persons with disability proposed by the government has gradually dominated by the ”economic benefit” principle on expenditure, rather than on the civil rights of the persons with disability. In another word, it is not based on consumer needs and then supplies when on demand. Different political leaders hold various policies and build up different institutional environment with various pursues. After the focus change of the policy, the objective of the policy has been prioritized on the principle of “economic benefit” in order to achieve expenditure reduction and efficiency enhancement. However, the revolution strategy, though practiced within the vocational rehabilitation for the persons with disability in Taipei City, with the substance of economic rationality of the New Managerialism, does not achieve the effect under the theory of government revolution. Because Taiwan follows the juridical system, of the continental law, it is hard to amend the law, compared to the common law practiced in England and the U.S. where the budget can be executed by executive order. Also, it is not easy to support integrated service under the functional operation of administrative system. Moreover, because our economic development and private resource is not compatible with those developed countries along with the social, cultural and envi-ronmental differences, the design of system has not taken as fully consideration as possible. The actions taken by the New Managerialism also overlook the social need inherent importantly in human nature. The overall framework of the policy and system design does not follow the principle of prioritizing on the civil rights of the persons with disabilities therefore; those persons are not honored with the rights of the choice of consumers and participation of civil. The profession of public sectors is diminishing after the cease of the practice of vocational rehabilitation. The audit of administrative work has empowered the management of public servants while without the accountability charge of service. The private sectors simultaneously do not recognize the public performance after the transition. The public sectors still proactively engage in cost reduction and fraud detection and thus getting lost the trust between the partners, making the rational communication not getting possible with the critics of bureaucratization spread around. The strict control of system norm, the contract of Supported Em-ployment, the evaluation mechanism, and work form has created a working model of so called “ McDonaldization”. The service of Sup-ported Employment becomes formalization and more shallow with the getting dilute or twist of the core concepts. The supposed results from the Supported Employment which is proved by the Western study do not come into effects. In view of the pros and cons of contracting out of the Supported Employment, the study indicates that the functions of Taipei Employment Resources Center should be repositioned. The Center should thoroughly communicate with the private sector to seek out the possible model which is public-private mixed and provide small scale self-service and to fight for required expenditure budget aggressively. After the join of the direct service from the public sector for the Supported Employment market, the service quality from the private sector could be enhanced and provide one more option for persons with disabilities and of which might become an index of quality service for Supported Employment. The core concept and principles of the Supported Employment should be corrected and the evaluation system and the model of contact management should be revised, given the balance of justice, fairness and efficiency. and design the model of service and work form by the differences of disabilities. The shortage in profession service, such as counseling service, should be made up proactively. The civil rights of the persons with disabilities should be taken into consideration first in view of the reasonableness and feasi-bility of the policy when compiling budget. The equilibum should be sought between the multiple developments of organizations and the reduction in the reliance of resource within the organization and the cost benefit should be enhanced without lowering the service quality.




