  • 學位論文


A study of relationship between the personality of an adventure recreation participant and the level of the recreation involvement a care study of survival game

指導教授 : 李明榮


近年來冒險性遊憩活動逐漸受到重視,在許多冒險遊憩當中,而在過去生存遊戲因為一直處於合法與不合法模糊地帶,但目前逐漸增加許多相關單位而政府也開始重視這項冒險性遊憩活動,而透過這些協會來開始推廣生存遊戲。本研究以問卷調查方式,針對台灣中部地區生存遊戲之冒險遊憩參與者進行問卷發放,問卷內容包含人格特質、遊憩涉入、及個人背景變項三部份,衡量方式採用李克特五尺量表。民國九十九年年三月底至五月底間以立意抽樣方式發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷共332 份,有效回收率為83%。本研究之分析包括描述性分析、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及Pearson 積差相關分析。其研究結果如下: 1 在「人格特質」構面皆和「遊憩涉入」構面呈現了正相關而在人格特質中「外向性」對於「親和力」、「自我表達」、「生活型態中心性」相關性高於其它人格特質構面。 2.冒險遊憩參與者在「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「職業」、「收入」與遊憩涉入顯示有顯著差異。 3.冒險遊憩參與者在「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「收 入」與人格特質上達顯著差異。 4.在冒險遊憩參與者人格特質越「外向性」,特質中顯示、高中(職) 以下、研究所(含)以上,此族群對於遊憩涉入越高。 5. 在冒險遊憩參與者人格特質越「經驗開放性」特質中顯示、高中(職)以下、未婚,此族群對於遊憩涉入越高。


Abstract Recently adventure recreation activities have gained much more attention than ever before. Among all the adventure recreation activities, “survival game” has become more popular; moreover, more civil associations such as, IPSC, CTA and NPSA, have been involved in promoting it. Although there still exits illegal gray zone in this kind of games, government has started to promote the games through these associations. The study aims to explore participation of adventure recreational games. One Likert’s scale questionnaire, which included personality, recreation involvement and personal background, was employed. It used purposive sampling and surveyed 400 subjects during the period of the end of March 2010 to the end of May 2010. 332 valid samples were collected. The rate of respondent was 83%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. The conclusions were listed in the following: 1. All factors in the “Personality” and “Recreation involvement” construct are positively correlated. The factor “Extraversion” in “personality” construct is more correlated with “Agreeableness”, “Self expression” and “Centrality of lifestyle” than other “Personality” factors. 2. Different “age”, “marriage”, “educational background”, “occupation” and “income” groups of adventure recreation activity participants have significant differences in “recreation involvement”. 3. Among all “Personality” factors, adventure recreation activity participants are significantly different in their “Age”, “Marriage”, “Educational background” and “income”. 4. Among high “Extraversion” tendency of adventure recreation activity groups, the group labeled as “Above high school, below graduate school” shows high degree of “Recreation involvement”. 5. Among high “Openness to Experience” tendency of adventure recreation activity groups, the group labeled as “below high school, unmarried” shows high degree of “Recreation involvement”.


of the adventure recreation experience, LeisureSciences, 16,177-191.


