  • 學位論文


The Study of Using Online Game-Baesd Assessment to Improve the Number Sense Ability of Fourth Graders

指導教授 : 郭伯臣


摘要 本研究目的旨在應用線上遊戲式估算評量,融入國小四年級數學教學並建置一套四年級整數數感能力線上測驗試題,探討此種資訊融入教學的方式對學童數感、估算能力及估算策略之改善情況。 線上遊戲式估算評量以整數加、減、乘、除法及四則混合計算為架構設計成八種類型試題,並設計成兩種不同的版本,教學版進行教學、評量版進行學童估算能力評量。再以界定之數感(number sense)的五向度為架構建置一線上數感測驗試題,檢視學童之數感能力。 教學實驗以準實驗研究中的「不等組前後測設計」來進行,選取47名四年級學生分實驗組、對照組進行實驗教學研究。以四年級線上整數數感能力測驗試題及線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量作為前後測檢測工具。 研究結果如下: 一、四年級線上整數數感能力測驗試題有合宜之信度、效度。 二、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學能增進四年級學生整體數感能力。 三、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學比較能增進四年級數感程度差之學童的數感能力。 四、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學能增進四年級學生在數感五向度中之瞭解數字的意義和關係、比較數字大小、發展計算策略與判斷答案合理性的能力。 五、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學能增進四年級學生整體估算能力。 六、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學比較能增進四年級估算能力差之學童的估算能力。 七、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學能增進四年級學童整數加、減、乘、除法、四則混合計算之計算題的估算能力。 八、線上打地鼠遊戲式估算評量融入教學能降低四年級學生在計算題型的估算錯誤策略。


數感 估算 線上遊戲式評量


This study aims to establish a set of integer number sense ability online test papers for fourth grade students. These test papers could be applied to explore the use of online game-style assessment, integrated into the fourth grade students’ mathematics number sense teaching, so that we can understand the improvement of their number sense, estimation skills and strategies. To achieve the goal of the study, the researchers design "game-playing hamster estimated assessment" as a teaching aid. It based on the integer addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and four hybrid computing structure designing the eight types of questions and two different versions--the teaching version for teaching, and the evaluation version to assess the estimated capacity of students. Then, using the five dimensions of the number sense defined by Xu Qingyang (2001) as the framework to build number sense test system on line, to view the number sense ability of school children. Basing on the quasi-experimental study “posttest nonequivalent groups design”, the researchers conduct the teaching experiments on 47 selected fourth-grade students which have been divided into experimental group and control group. It used the fourth grade students integer number sense ability online test papers and “game-playing hamster estimated assessment” as evaluation tool. The researchers completed the statistical analysis of the experimental data and got the results as follows: 1. The integer number sense ability online test papers for fourth grade students have appropriate reliability and validity. 2. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching fourth grade students can really enhance the overall number sense skills. 3. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching could improve number sense ability of the fourth grade students who has poor number sense before. 4. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching can really enhance the number sense of fourth grade students in five dimensions including the ability to understand the meaning and relationship of numbers, the ability to compare the size of numbers, the ability to develop computational strategies and determine reasonable answer. 5. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching fourth grade students can really enhance the overall estimated capacity. 6. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on instruction to enhance the estimated capacity of fourth grade students who has poor estimated capacity before. 7. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching fourth grade students can really enhance an integer addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, four mixed computing ability to estimate the theme of the calculation. 8. Online game-playing hamster estimated assessment using on teaching fourth grade students can really improve the estimates calculated questions strategies


劉湘川、林彩鳳 (1995 )。估算測驗之編製-以國小四、六年級為對象。測驗統計年刊,3,53-70。
