  • 學位論文


Research of homeless service providers’ working adjustment process: Non-Governmental Organizations in the Greater Taipei area

指導教授 : 郭文正


本研究目的在於瞭解街友服務者工作適應歷程,包含其所遭遇的工作問題、整體適應歷程樣貌、影響工作適應歷程的因素及所採取的因應策略。採用半結構式訪談法蒐集資料,研究者採以滾雪球方式,選定大臺北地區的街友服務民間團體,最後邀請到四位符合本研究條件及具受訪意願的研究參與者,再針對所蒐集到的訪談資料以主題分析法進行分析,依此,本研究分析結果發現: 街友服務者所遭遇的工作問題有高流動率職場適應的心理負荷、帶著負面社會標籤及流浪循環高的服務對象、面對服務對象死亡的心理的悲傷與衝擊、政策影響下的諸多工作挑戰、人力資源不足及公部門人力要求過於理想化、團隊溝通順暢度影響工作適應。 街友服務者工作適應歷程可區分兩個階段:「層層衝撞的摸索前期」、「越挫越勇的接受後期」。前期階段特性為適應接受服務對象的特質與行為、探索與適應多變的工作環境;後期階段特性為隨著工作歷練與工作環境要求,發展特別工作技巧及增長找資源能力,並在工作心態有了不同的轉變。而影響工作適應歷程的因素有性別、家庭、開放性人格特質、年資與學歷、薪資與升遷制度、職場人際。在所採取的因應策略,包括回應工作要求的學習策略、發展出不同於其他社福領域的彈性工作方式、尋找紓解壓力管道及職場人際支持、面對服務對象死亡的內在自我調適、找尋多方資源為工作困境解套、拉長時間等待方案推動的適合機緣、面對與主管相處問題:採積極溝通或壓抑。 研究者依據研究結果提出下列建議,包括:建立符合街友服務者需求的支持資源、提升街友服務者自我照顧能力、時間資源的拉長提供、不同領域資源的連結打破僵化體制、建立良好的溝通平台、加強街友服務者教育訓練與人身安全保障。


The purpose for this research is to understand and explore homeless service provider “what they came across,” “how they fit into the homeless,” “how they adjust to the job and homeless people;” and lastly “what is the strategy.” With the guided interview plus snowball sampling within the Grand Taipei area of 4 Non-Governmental homeless service agencies, the writer finally interact with four volunteers who are willing to participate the study. By subject analysis of the data collected, here is the findings: “What the service providers may come across and has to deal with” stands for: 1. High turnover rate within co-worker and the impact, 2. Negative impression of homeless, 3. Subject also change constantly and quick, 4. Fear of subject is going to die. Also the external factor may bring up challenged working environment, insufficient manpower and internal communication problem inside of the agencies. “How the service provider fit into the homeless” can be divided by 2 phase: “Beginners learning curve,” and “Experienced veteran.” When meeting with homeless, first thing is always learn to adapt and explore the subject and working environment, which has a huge difference from other work. With time change, service provider gains experience to overcome difficulties (with subject), and learn how to find resources for the job, hence lead to the mind change inside of the worker. Gender, family, extroversion as personality, working experience, education background, salary and career plan and social interaction from work, all these can influence the service provider to interact with homeless and how they get along with each other. And finally service provider has the strategies including: a. learn from experience, self-learning (for example, from school), information exchange with different agencies, flexible working time schedule, relaxing after work, support from co-workers, subject homeless with the risk of death (mentally), external resources for problem solving, or wait for the approval/implementation of new idea for the Service. As for interaction with supervisor, service provider either communicate actively or tend to swallow the bad feelings. Researcher has the following proposal for homeless service provider group, in order to help service provider adjust well. A. To allocate useful resources for service provider, B. To train service provider with proper living skill, so they provide the same towards homeless, C. To offer the service longer, D. To intertwine resource with different group/agencies, E. To establish a friendly communication channel, and well-organized training course and personal safety.


