  • 期刊


The Issue Management of Sport Organizations-A Case Study on Sina Event


近期由於第25屆中華電信瓊斯盃籃球邀請賽的舉行,使得國內籃壇又掀起一股討論熱潮,其中較受矚目的是中華隊在換血後的實力及新浪獅隊在西進大陸後首度在台比賽。而這也讓研究者回想起去年十月間,新浪隊前往大陸參加甲A籃球聯賽的隊名風波。 本研究嘗試以議題管理(issue management)之生命週期的觀點為分析架構,來回顧新浪獅隊西進大陸發展始末的風波,同時,並探討新浪在此議題發展之不同生命週期中,所採用之議題管理模式,以對議題管理在運動組織的應用作一初探。


Recently there was a hot issue in Taiwan due to the CHT’s hosting of the 25(supersctipt th) Chunghwa Telecom R.Willams Jones Cup International Basketball Tournament. What has drawn most of our attention is the capability of Chinese Taipei Team since their reorganisation. Also, it was the maiden play of Sina Lions, which went to Mainland China a few years ago pursuing more room for their further development. All of those events reminded me that Sina Lions was once held up by their political incorrectness in the name of team when they attended Chinese National Basketball League in China last October. This research seeks to analyze and review the issue of Sina Lions’ development in China from the angle of Lifecycle of Issue Management. In the meantime, we also discuss the model of issue management adopted by Sina Lions in their different lifecycles, so as to obtain an insight into the correlation between issue management and sport organizations.


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