  • 期刊


The Kinematic Compare Analysis of Giant Swing Leg Beat Action Continues Double Salto Backward Stretched with 720° Turns Dismount in Horizontal Bar



本研究利用二部高速攝影機 ( Panasonic 5100 HS ) 同步拍攝1997年中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽男子單槓冠軍國際級選手 (S1) 及國家級選手(S2) 等二人在單槓大迴環鞭打動作接直體後空翻720°下之動作過程。 研究主要目的是探討單槓正握向後大迴環鞭打動作接直體後空翻二周轉體720°下的運動學影響因素,並將各階段運動學參數進行分析比較,探討二者之間的差異,以瞭解我國選手技術現況與方向,將所得結果提供予教練和選手訓練上之依據。整個研究分成(一)槓上動作(大迴環鞭打動作)和(二)下槓動作(直體後空翻二周轉體720° 下)兩個部分,經分析探討,其結果如下: (一)大迴環鞭打動作 1.國際級和國家級兩位選手在正握向後大迴環動作,第一階段(槓上倒立向後大迴環至槓下懸垂)的動作相似,沒有明顯差異。第三位置(槓上倒立)國際級選手 (S1) 的肩、髖關節角度以及重心繞槓運動迴環半徑明顯小於國家級選手 (S2),說明S1選手明顯地出現屈肩收髖預備蓋浪之體勢。 2.在第四位置(槓後水平面)S1選手的肩髖角是由屈曲快速變成伸展,第五位置後,藉屈肩收髖來縮短迴環半徑,加快迴環速度;S2選手未明顯地利用肩髖角的屈伸變化來實施鞭打振浪技術,其動作類似一般大迴環。 3.國際籍選手和國家級選手最大差異是在第三、四、五位置的動作過程中,國際級選手能夠充分的利用挺身、弓背、沉肩和兜腿實施鞭打動作;而國家級選手的上述動作特點不明顯,未能表現鞭打動作之節奏。 (二)直體後空翻二周轉體720° 下 1.在脫手瞬時S1選手的肩、髖關節角度分別是107° 和131° 較S2選手的132°和173° 小,而且S1選手在脫手瞬時之身體重心高度和騰起角度是2.68公尺和81°,較S2選手的2.52公尺和73° 高,這說明S1選手在脫手瞬時明顯的做出屈肩收髖之體勢,並以較接近垂直方向射出,由此取得較佳的高度和充裕的落地時間;而S2選手脫手瞬時角度卻是較偏向水平方向。 2.S1選手飛行的最高高度是3.88公尺(在第3位置),而S2選手是3.70公尺(在第2位置),這說明S1選手下槓動作身體重心騰空高度較高,有較充裕的時間完成空翻加轉體動作。 3.在第4位置(著地前身體水平位置)S1選手已完成直體後空翻二周轉體720°動作,預做著地之準備;而S2選手軀幹與水平面成77°未能將身體伸展著地,明顯出現彎屈髖關節之體勢。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic factors influencing: l) the Leg Beat Action during Giant Swing Backward in Horizontal Bar and 2) the Dismount of Double Salto Backward Stretched with 720 ° Turns. A comparison has been made between international top class (Subject 1) and national level (Subject 2) gymnasts in order to get insights into the technical conditions and the develop directions of our national gymnast. 3D kinematic data were collected during final competition of horizontal bar in 1997 International China Motor Cup Gymnastics Meeting by using Peak Performance 3D Motion Analysis System (60Hz). The Giant Swing Backward in horizontal bar was divided in to 6 positions and 5 phases and the Dismount of Double Salto Backward with 720 ° Turns was divided in to 4 positions. The 12-segments human body model war adopted and 17 landmarks were digitized to conduct kinematic analysis. The movement was divided into two parts: the Giant Swing Leg Beat Action on the bar and the followed dismount of Double Saito Backward Stretched with 720 ° Turns. After analyzing and comparison, the results were as fol1ows: 1. The Giant Swing Leg Beat Action on the bar (1). The movements performed by international top class gymnast (S1) and national level gymnast (S2) during first phase (from handstand position to hang-up position at vertical line in first circle) were similar. The shoulder and hip angle as well as the radius of c.g. circling the bar of S1 is smaller than that of S2. (2). At position4 (270 ° from handstand position), the angle of shoulder and hip of S1 subject is changing from flexion to extension rapidly. After position 5, by closing the distance of should and hip, S1 showed significant shorter rotation radius of e.g. around the bar and speeded up the speed of circling. S2 did not use the changes of joint angle to conduct the technique of leg beat action. His movement is only like that of ordinary Giant Swing. (3). The major difference between S1 and S2 is the movement performed during the movement process of position3, 4 and s. S1 was well prepared to adopt body-straightening, back-bowing, shoulder-sinking and leg beat action. Unfortunately, S2 did not present those skills and failed to show the rhythm of beat action. 3. The Dismount of Double Salto Backward Stretched with 720° Turns (1) .At the instant of leaving off the bar, the angles of shoulder and hip of S1 are 107 °, 131° respectively. They are smaller than that of S2 which are 132 ° and 173°. Besides, the height of c.g. and angle of trunk of S1 are 2.68 m and 81 ° respectively, they are higher than that of S2. It indicates that, at the instant of leaving the bar, S1 flexed his shoulder and hip to curve his body while he was releasing the bar. (2) .The maximal flight height of S1 is 3.88m, and that of S2 is 3.7m. It shows that S1 get higher amplitude after he left off the bar and get longer flight time to perform the double salto backward with 720 ° turning body. (3) .At position 4, S1 had completed his double salto backward Stretched with 720° turn and was prepared well for landing. The angle of S2 between the trunk and Horizontal plane is 77 ° at the position 4 by flexing the hip, he did not land with straighten body.


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