  • 期刊


Brief Discussion on Regulating the Menstruation and Medicine Utilization n the "Fu Qung Zhu Gynecology"




傳青主女科 調經 活血化瘀


Regulating the menstruation is the introduction and basis of gyniatrics. The author of ”Complete Collections of Woman Therapy Formula” in Song Dynasty, Jeh-Ming Chen advocated that it had to regulate the menstruation first upon treating women. Zih-Ho Chang also asserted that it had to ask the menstruation at the start upon curing woman's diseases, Hold the academic thought of Eu's menstruation regulation will help to understand the marrow of ”Fu Quing Zhu Gynecology”. From the prescription of Eu's formula, the view of medicine utilization can be found. The major way is enriching the blood by medicine. Then strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidney. It has reflected Fu's academic thought of paying attention to qi and blood. The feature of Fu's menstruation regulation is: ”Pay attention to the liver blood, to get right and get rid of evil, to use the reinforcing method, to emphasize the support of qi, and to strengthen the spleen and nourish the Yang”. It emphasizes that the blood is used as the basis of women. The gestation, much menstruation will damage qi and blood. It has to enrich the qi and blood. After Analyzing ”Eu's menstruation regulation, Eu's medicine and Eu's formula for invigorating blood circulation”, it is found that Fu's menstruation regulation will not break blood and support to get rid of evil. When there is silt, it has to pay attention to warm the silt and emich qi and blood silt, and a little bit of silt medicine is used to clear away heat. So, we are reminded to get right and get rid of evil. The medicine must be used at correct time, menstrual period, and people. The outline of Fu’s medicine: ”to pay attention to the liver blood, to get right and get rid of evil, and to support qi and nourish the Yang”.
