  • 期刊


The Beauty and Sorrow of Aural-Visual and Literal Representations: A Research in the Convergence and Transformation between Literature and Cinema


研究動機與目的:影音與文字可以各自美麗,但也有他們獨自的哀愁;二十一世紀顯然是影音多媒體擅場的新世代。即便如此,文字仍舊有其不可取代的特性,對於表述人生、紀錄文化具有「關鍵少數」的地位,不容忽視。本文嘗試以電影名片、文學名著,闡釋文學之於電影,如何會通與轉化;利用現成、高成本的名片做為激發文學創作與賞析的「多媒體」教材,應該是二十一世紀藝文界垂手可得、取用不竭的資源! 研究方法與結果:就名片、名著,舉例綜論藝文雙璧-文學與電影之如何相得益彰、相輔相成。分述文學與電影之侷限性,次論文學如何部分電影化,以加強作品的吸引力、文藝鑑賞力;甚至提昇想像力,可以就電影再創作,將文學的哀愁化為美麗。


影音 文字 電影 文學 會通 轉化


Motivation and Goal: Aural-visual representations have a unique beauty of their own, different in nature from that of literal representations, but both have their own limitations as well. The 21st century is no doubt a glorious age of the multi-media, but even so, language is still irreplaceable; it plays a crucial role in interpreting life and preserving cultures. This paper will study how literature and cinema converge by taking on each other's features. High-cost films are inexhaustible resources of inspiration for literary creation and appreciation. Research Methods and Achievements: Outstanding works of cinema and literature are cited to show how the two media benefit from each other. This paper will begin with a study of the respective limitations of movies and fiction, and go on to a discussion of how literature borrows from the cinema to enhance its own attraction. Writers could draw inspiration from motion pictures and turn the sorrows of literature into unprecedented beauty.


aural visual literal movie cinema literature convergence transformation


