  • 期刊


A Investigative Research on Need Tendency to Children's Welfare of Citizens in Tao-Yuan City


本文的主要目的爲瞭解桃園市市民對於桃園市政辦理兒童福利之未來需求意向,藉以明瞭市民對兒童福利之措施與機構建設之期望,提供市長及市公所各有關單位作爲市政決策之民意依據,以提高施政之效能,而實施本項調查研究。 本項調查研究之主要具體結果有二: 一、了解桃園市托育之現況,內含桃園市六歲以下兒童之「人口分佈、年齡層分佈、人口流動率、托兒所托育率、」及桃園市市立托兒所托嬰部、托育經費比例等現況。 二、明瞭桃園市市民對兒童福利需求意向之現況,內含:「兒童醫療、發放育兒年金及其籌措財源之方式、兒童托育、兒童文教設施、兒童安全衛生環境、兒童遊樂」等各方面的福利服務,及「優先實施兒童福利之措施」、「優先建設兒童福利之機械」等之市民需求意向。 自台灣總統由全台灣人民直接選舉産生後,台灣之政治,已經是真正民主化時代來臨,人民對政府施政之需求意向,當政者應更加重視,人民已經是頭家,當政者之一切施政,尤應以民意爲依歸,以符合民眾之期望與利益,始能受民眾之支持與擁護。故本調查提出「桃園市市民之需求意向」之統計數據,力求客觀,以充分表達市民之需求意向,祈能作爲政府施政時之指針,並提供桃園市機關首長及各相關單位在執行決策或施政時之參攷,藉以提高施政之效能,或爲其它地方縣市政府的參攷。本調查研究取向,敬祈 賢達先進不吝指正。


The main purpose of this research is to understand what the citizens in Tao-Yuan think about the children’s welfare and need that which will be conducted by Tao-Yuan government in the future. It can provide more decisive opinions for the mayor and relative governors to realize the expectation of Tao-Yuan citizens to children’s welfare measurements to the setting up of institutions. Besides, it can also promote the administrative effect to fulfill the suggestions of this research. There are two specific results foe this research: Firstly, understanding the circumstance of child-care. It includes “population distribution, age distribution, the rate of population variables, and the percentage of child-care in nursery school,” along with the ratio of funds in public nursery schools for babies and children. Secondly, realizing the condition of what people think about the welfare and need for children. It contains almost every fields of welfare, and the top priority of the welfare measurements and institution-establishing which are all citizens, expectation such as children’s medical treatment, educational annuity, the ways of collecting funds, educational and cultural installations, safety and healthy environment, and entertainment. Since the president of Taiwan was elected directly by all Taiwanese citizens, the age of democracy has begun. The government should take what people think more seriously. People are the boss of the county, and what the government dose should be in accordance with people’s view in order to meet their expectation and interest. Only doing this, the government can be esteemed and supported. Therefore, the statistic of this research is as positive as it can, and it also expresses the wishes of people. We sincerely hope that this research can, provide some more useful and decisive opinions for all superiors not only in Tao-Yuan City but also the other counties.


