

Taiwan's first hospice ward was established in 1990 at the (Christian) Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei County. Foreign experiences were introduced continuously. In 1995, a palliative ward was established at the National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei City, which was followed by booming of hospice palliative care in various aspects and locations of the nation. Three foundations for promotion of this movement were established, namely, the Catholic Sanipax Socio-Medical Service & Education Foundation (1983), the (Christian) Taiwan Hospice Foundation (1990) and the Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation (1994). The Taiwan Hospice Organization was founded in 1995 to unite all personells involved. In 1999, the Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative Medicine was established by physicians engaged in hospice palliative movement. As there are nearly 30,000 cancer deaths yearly in Taiwan, the Department of Health established a Task Force for Hospice Care in 1995. With the governmental support, hospice home care was enrolled in the National Health Insurance program in 1996, and a special per diem payment for hospice in-ward service was enrolled into the National Health Insurance by 2000. However, the existing medical laws require physicians to do all efforts to rescue patients in critical conditions. It made the medical practice of do no resuscitation (DNR) in the terminally ill patients in hospice care not legally sound. With the promotion of all people concerned, the Hospice Palliative Care Act (a natural death act), was finally enacted into law in June 7, 2000. Taiwan's terminal patients thus can enjoy peaceful dying in dignity both medically and legally. The voice for promotion of euthanasia was calmed down. Taiwan is on the way to establishing widely distributed hospice palliative units to cover all counties and cities.


hospice palliative care history Taiwan


