  • 期刊


Review and Prospect of the Economy and Trade in Areas Separating from Taiwan Strait



中共政權之經貿發展,自建制初期,毛澤東所強調的建立一個以馬列社會主義(Marx & Lenin Socialism) 為目標的新中國,已致鄧小平在一九七八年提出所謂「改革開放」、「中國特色的社會主義」以來,從理論到實踐,已經產生了驚天動地的變化,和不同的效果。中華民國在臺灣,從光復初期,國民所得大約只有五十美元,到如今已一萬多元美元。兩者之間,何以有如此差異?本論文從理論到實踐,分別加以探討、分析,且從回顧及目前兩岸經貿發展的趨勢,引述一些學者的論點,並提出審慎樂觀的看法,作為兩岸發展的展望。


During the years of establishing the political regime in the mainland China, Mao put emphasis on setting up a new China in the lines of Marx and Lenin Socialism. In 1978, Deng advocated the so-called “Reform and Opening” and “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”. China have generated dramatic changes in trade and economic development. At the initial stage of Taiwan recovery from Japanese Colonialism was about US$50 in the Republic of China. At present the income per capita reached over US$10,000. Why have theses differences between the Mainland China and the Republic of China? In this paper, I discussed and analyzed these differences from theory to practice and reviewed the tendency of trade and economic development between the two economics until to now. Along with the views of some scholars. I brought up my own opinion with caution but optimism to show the prospects for Cross-Strait economic development.

