  • 期刊


Implementational Strategies of the 12 Compulsary Education Based on the High School Community Program: A Case of Kaohsiung City



本研究旨在探討高雄市高中職社區化轉銜十二年國民教育基本教育需求與研擬建置高雄市高中職社區化轉銜十二年國民基本教育所需配套措施。本研究採文獻分析、三次焦點團體座談、及問卷調查等為主要方法進行資料收集。問卷調查部份以高雄市30所高中職內的校長、主任、組長及教師等每校50位教師為對象,共發出問卷1500份,回收857份,有效問卷857份,回收率為57.13%。本研究採用「高雄市高中職社區化轉銜12 年國民基本教育意見」為主要工具,其KMO(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)值為.920累積變異解釋量為58.56%,共獲得:學區劃分、入學方式、教師與教學、資源差距、宣導議題、均衡均質作法及相關策略等七向度,問卷之Hotelling's T-Squared值為788.249;F值為19.946;其總Cronbach's Alpha值為.938,顯示問卷信效度良好。本研究獲得之重要結論為:說服家長可以在先行避開「義務教育」有關強迫入學、免學費、免考試的框架之條件下,接受共12年的國民基本教育,但是高中職「均衡與均質」的建立應是12年國民基本教育的最重要的先決條件。在高中職社區化轉銜12年國民基本教育之需求方面,可從:學區劃分、入學方式、教師與教學、資源差距、宣導議題、均衡均質作法、相關策略等七個方向進行研議。


This study aims to explore the strategies for 12 years compulsory education which based on the high school community program. This study used the literature review, focus group interview, and questionnaire as the main methodologies to collect data and opinions that teachers and administrators response. 857 questionnaires by the return rate in 57.13% were return form 1500 high school teachers who were teaching in Koauhsiung city. The questionnaire is in high validity and reliability which were tested by factor analysis and Cronbach's Alpha. This study revealed that compulsory education could be implemented that avoied the three nesassery requirements of forced to get into senior high school from junior, not need to have some kinds of entrance test, and should not pay the tuitions. The demands for the 12 years compulsory education based on high school community program could begin by following dimensions that are districts redesign, the methods of entrance into senior high, teachers and instruction, resources differentiations, announcement and advertisement, balance of resources, and the relative policies.


