  • 期刊


Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Nasopharynx - Case Report


多形性腺瘤(pleomorphic adenoma)的組織形態包含間質細胞、上皮細胞及肌上皮細胞,故又稱混合瘤(mixed tumor),為唾液腺中最常見的良性腫瘤,尤以腮腺最為多見,約佔80%,有時亦可見之於腭、唇、舌及其他有唾液腺之組織,而發生於鼻咽部位者極為罕見,治療以手術切除為主。本科於1997年10月間經歷一鼻咽部多形性腺瘤病例,病患為62歲女性,至本院健康檢查時,發現左側鼻咽部有一直徑約0.8cm之腫塊,本身並無任何不適之症狀,經門診病理切片檢查,診斷為多形性腺瘤,病人接受鼻內視鏡手術切除腫瘤後,於門診追蹤兩年餘,至今年任何復發現象。


多形性腺瘤 鼻咽


Pleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumor) is the most common salivary gland tumor and surgi-cal excision is the treatment of choice. Histopathologically, it exhibits epithelial, myoep-ithelial and mesenchymal features, and its diagnosis relies upon histopathological exami-nation. Approximately eighty percent of pleomorphic adenomas occur in the parotid glands, with nasopharyngeal occurrences of pleomorphic adenoma being very rare. A 62-year-old woman presented in October 1997 with a left nasopharyngeal mass which was an incidental finding during routine physical examination. The patient denied any associated symptoms. The mass was approximately 0.8 cm across its largest diameter. After biopsy in the outpatient department, the tumor was found to be a pleomorphic adenoma without malignant changes. The patient underwent endoscopic tumor excision and the diagnosis was confirmed by pathological examination. The post-operative recovery was uneventful and no recurrence of tumor was noted over the following two years. Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasopharynx is very uncommon but nevertheless is one of the differential diagnoses of a nasopharyngeal tumor. This rare diagnosis depends on pathological exami-nation.


pleomorphic adenoma nasopharynx


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