

卵黃囊腫瘤為一種原發於睪丸、卵巢的高惡性度生殖細胞瘤,亦可發生於生殖系外區域,如前縱膈腔、後腹壁、薦尾椎及松果體旁區等身體中線位置。血清中α -胎兒蛋白可以為腫瘤標記,且做為治療指標,而治療方式以化學治療為主。上生於鼻腔的卵黃囊腫瘤非常罕見。茲報告1病例:3歲小女孩於1990年9月因鼻出血經轉介至本科,發現鼻原因為鼻腔內腫塊,經病理證實為卵黃囊腫瘤、血清中α-胎兒蛋白明顯增高。經手術後轉至小兒科接受4個療程之化學治療(BEP)後腫瘤明顯消失,且血清中α-胎兒蛋白恢復至正常範圍內。追踨1年迄今無再發之現象。


Yolk sac tumors (endodermal sinus tumors) are malignant germ cell tumors in which neoplastic germ cells differentiate into extraembryonic structure and may contain cysts resembling yolk sac vesicle. These rare neoplasms usually arise in the ovary and testis, although they have been discovered insuch midline extragonadal sites as the retroperitoneum, anterior mediastinum, sacrococcygeal area, parapineal region. However, we are unaware of any previous cases of this neoplasm arising in the nasal cavity. Serum α-fetoprotein is the useful tumor marker and it is considered as clinical monitor of tumor recurrence. A 3-year-old girl with yolk sac tumor of the nasal cavity was encountered. The serum α-fetoprotein was elevated to 948ng/mL before operation. One month after medial maxillectomy, the residual tumor grew rapidly and serum α-fetoprotein elevated to 19,480ng/mL. Chemotherapy regimens with bleomysic, etoposide and cisplatin were given, then the serum α-fetoprotein returned to normal level. There is no evidence of tumor recurrence in 1 year follow-up.


yolk sac tumor α-fetoprotein chemotherapy
