  • 期刊


The Impact of Ethnic Entrepreneurship on Social Change and Ethnicity: A Case Study Among the Yi in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in China


中國大陸雖有55個少數民族,惟至今關於探討大陸少數民族經濟現代化與社會變遷之關連性的研究猶如鳳毛麟角。本文以此為出發點,闈述以下四個篡本問題:一、彝族新興企業家在社會變遷和社會結構轉變過程中所扮演的角色;二、彝族企業家階層的形成過程及其對社會動員的影響;三、在經濟和社會的變遷中社會性組織(家支)的角色變化與經濟思想的轉變;四、企業家階層與族群性之間的關係。 本文另一個重要的切入點是,彝族企業家同時扮演了市場上的社會活動家和民族群體成員的雙重角色。此外,其既作為個人同時又成為人際關係群體如民族、地區或語言群體中的一個行動者。因此,對彝族企業家進行研究,將有助於我們更深入地理解彝族社會結構的變遷過程。本研究從1999年至2000年前後在四川省涼山自治州的甘洛、見寧、昭覺和鹽源等四個縣共採訪了68位企業家,本文即此一田野調查的初步結果。


Aspects of ethnic mobilisation during processes of modernisation have until now only marginally been investigated. In particularly there are nearly no academic investigations or analyses of the development of a new entrepreneurship among indigenous minorities and its role in ethnic mobilisation and ethnic consciousness. In China, as a multinational state with 55 ethnic minorities, we have a good area for specific research, in particular seeing as there are very few investigations that deal with tensions between economic modernisation and social change among minorities. This is where our project starts out, with four basic questions: 1. The role of new entrepreneurs for social change and social structural change in Yi society. 2. The development of a Yi ethnic entrepreneurship and its impact on social mobilisation. 3. The changing role of social organisations (lineage) and of economic thinking following economic and social change. 4. The relationship between entrepreneurship and ethnicity. The double role of entrepreneurs as social actors in the market place on the one hand and as members of an ethnic group (Yi) on the other hand is an important interface for our investigation. Individuals (in our case entrepreneurs) operate simultaneously as individuals and as members of personal-relationship groups, like ethnic, regional or language groups. Such a double role can also be found in the ethnic entrepreneur. Here ethnic mobility goes along with individual mobility. An investigation of ethnic entrepreneurs as actors with not only individual but also of ethnic mobility contributes to a better understanding of the processes of change in the social structures. In 1999 and 2000, 68 entrepreneurs in the counties of Ganluo, Mianning, Zhaojue and Yanyuan (Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan) were interviewed. This article presents preliminary findings of the field study.


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