  • 期刊


To Design and Implement a Program of Integrated Curriculum into Social Studies in an Elementary School-The Thoughts on Globalization


本研究主要透過行動研究的途徑,探討國小三年級在社會學習領域以統整課程的方式融入全球化思維之教學,以國內課程改革的趨勢來看,「全球化」的影響是不容忽視的,與「全球化」相互辯證的概念-「本土化」,卻未因「全球化」的趨勢而減弱,因此,本研究的主要目的有以下三點: 藉由行動研究的途徑增進自己對全球化概念的認識及實際教學的設計。 在九年一貫課程實施之下,全球化概念如何以統整課程方式融入社會學習領域教學中進行。在「全球化」及「本土化」思潮的衝擊之下,教師如何看待並建立全球化議題在社會學習領域的發展性。 本研究教學實施時間從民國九十三年五月三日起至六月二十五日止,共八週二十一節課。資料蒐集的途徑包括:訪談、教室觀察記錄、教師教學計劃及反省札記、學習單等,在研究過程中不斷地蒐集與分析資料,以做為下一步修正行動的依據。 最後,回顧這一次統整課程方案的規劃與實施歷程,將以三個省思問題,重新釐清及檢視自己於社會學習領域教學時,在「全球化」與「本土化」兩者之間的辯證關係,並對自己未來在從事課程設計時,能採取更寬廣的角度: (一)「全球教育」、「多元文化教育」與「鄉土教育」之間的關係為何? (二)在全球化趨勢之下,面對目前所實施九年一貫課程社會學習領域的教學活動之中,如何建立學生的自我認同? (三)教師在社會學習領域教學之中,如何在面對及省視「全球化」及「本土化」現象之相關議題?


The aim of this study was to understand the influences between the teacher and students in a program of integrated curriculum into the thoughts on globalization in social studies curriculum. In addition, in the context of dialectic of globalization and localization, the curriculum reform in primary schools confront were radical changes and challenges. Therefore, this study was to analyze how improve the teachers' professional knowledge in social studies. By providing the results of this research, teachers can use the program of integrated curriculum to improve their teaching in social studies curriculum. Action research method was used in this study. The objects in this study were the three grade classes in an elementary school. The researcher had to find some questions from the natural teaching situation, and had evaluated the meanings and the value of the activities in order to improve the teaching strategies and make me to act more professionally. The methods of action research are utilized in collecting data, including teacher's journals, interviews, and document analysis. Finally, we consider the theoretical and practical issues about the dialectic process of globalization and localization in social studies curriculum.


方德隆譯、A. C . Ornstein、F . P . Hunkins著(2004)。課程發展與設計。台北:高等教育。
