  • 期刊


Plant Dyeing and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center


自然界中之五顏六色蘊藏於泥土、植物及礦石中,從數千年前起,人類已逐漸發掘如何從植物的根、莖、葉、花、果實中萃取汁液以染出繽紛的色彩。而台中縣向來以傳統精緻的編織藝術聞名,台中縣立文化中心編織藝術館即以延續發掘各地區重要之編、織、結、染、繡技藝特色為主要任務,並努力創新提昇傳統藝術,活化運用於現代生活美學與文化產業中。 國立臺灣藝術大學圖文傳播藝術學系謝顒丞博士與台中縣立文化中心合作,執行國科會數位典藏國家型科技計畫-「植物染與編織藝術數位應用加值中心」,目的為建立台灣優良之編織與染色文化、藝術、技術交流園地,提供染織藝術文化創作者有更多元選擇與交流,達成染織藝術之學術化、商業化及產業化結合之目標。 本計畫以數位應用加值中心的概念,建置之植物染與編織藝術數位學習中心,將植物染與編織文化加值發展為學術化、產業化、商業化之三大目標。學術化包含將植物染與編織文化內涵、技術發展與學術相關研究等統整於數位學習環境中,提供使用者隨時能對於植物染與編織文化進行瞭解與學習。產業化為提供社群與相關產業溝通平台,刺激產業發展,並進行產業整體形象設計,規劃具產業特色之產品進行銷售與產業品牌概念建立。商業化為提供線上購物與拍賣系統,提供植物染與編織商品販售與產品交流,並可結合社會潮流,提供個人化商品製作管道,促使植物染與編織產業商業管道多元化。 本計畫籍由此數位學習中心之建立,吸引國內編織博物館與相關專家共襄盛舉,使編織藝術天然染色素材知識庫內容更加詳實且豐富,活化運用於現代生活美學與文化產業中(本計畫成果網址:http://www.ntua.edu.tw/~gca/plant.htm)。


編識 植物染 數位典藏 創意加值 資料庫


The age of digital information has arrived with the development of computer science and technology. In order to be ready for the new era, the ”National Digital Archives Program” (NDAP) has been launched and sponsored by the National Science Council (NSC) since year 2002. It is a national long-term plan of the ultimate mission of preserving and sustaining the culture and civilization of mankind. In Taiwan, Taichung County has been famous for its traditional weaving and knitting art patterns. One of the major tasks of the Knitting Museum of Taichung County Cultural Center (KMTCCC) is to discover and collect different kinds of braids, weaves, knits, dyes, and embroideries throughout Taiwan. By displaying such items, the museum promotes and educates general public about traditional and modern art practices in the region. To share these resources and conform to the Value-added Program of the National Science Council (NSC), the purpose of study was to integrate most of the KMTCCC's archives and collections into a Plant Dyeing and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. This center is a valuable resource for the academic, industrial, and business sectors. For the academic sector, the learning center integrates the latest technological developments and research into a digital learning environment for interested users. For the industry sector, the center provides a platform for related artistic groups and industries to promote the development of new products and design unique products and brands for specific marketing. For business, an online purchasing and bidding system establishes a network for artists and creators to sell their plant dyeing and knitting products. This study used documentary analysis, field study, and questionnaire survey methods to construct the Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. The research began with collecting traditional dyeing, weaving, and knitting artworks and related literary materials to develop digital contents of the academic sector. Meanwhile, the study conducted many field studies to collect and assemble Taiwan’s plant dyeing, weaving, and knitting database. Due to the constraints of time, budget, and human resource, a questionnaire survey was used as a supplementary method to construct the database. The main contribution of this project was to consolidate information sources on knitting art and dyeing materials, and to apply this data for the benefit of the academic, industrial, and business sectors. The results of the Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center consist of ”Dyeing Center,” ”Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Education Center,” ”Dyeing and Design Center,” ”On-line Interactive Learning Center,” ”Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Blog,” ”Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Resource Database,” ”e-Market,” and ”Promotion Activities of Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Arts and Culture” The Plant Dyeing, Weaving, and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center can be retrieved from: http://www.med8th.com/readingroom/flydz/d16z.htm


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尚榮安譯、Robert K. Yin原著(2001)。個案研究法。臺北:弘智文化公司。
