  • 期刊


A Commentary on "The Theme Knowledge Website of Taiwanese Folk Opera" of National Center for Traditional Arts




In 2005, Council for Cultural Affairs Taiwan has reported about developing the multiplicity of Taiwanese culture and reserving the variety of traditional culture. Regarding this purpose reserving traditional arts, they have had the proposal of building Traditional Theme Knowledge Website, including ”The Knowledge Management of Traditional arts ”, ”The Classification of Traditional arts ”, ”The Theme Knowledge of Taiwanese Folk Opera”, ”The Theme Knowledge of Hand Puppy Theatre”, ”The Theme Knowledge of Traditional Instrumental Music” and ”The Digital Museum of Architecture Art Conservation” and make use of these network to create an integration of knowledge management. In addition, they integrated with many professionals to collect theme knowledge through twelve thousands of digital information in National Center for Traditional Arts, two hundreds more of research proposals, three hundreds more of publications and thesises and to research traditional arts through the digital reservation.The purpose of this article was to examine that a knowledge orientation website- The Theme Knowledge of Taiwanese Folk Opera- could enrich people how large knowledge of the art, and how effectively to reach the goal of reserving it.
