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Storm Water Management Strategies in urban and Rural Areas Regarding Water Flow and Quality



近年來結構性BMPs(現地)或非結構性之暴雨管理技術越來越為普及。然而,結構性BMPs並非各處皆適合,特別於都會地區更受到許多限制。 本文中係介紹「FLEXT」應用於暴雨管理之規劃方法。「FLEXT」模式是種簡單且彈性之工具。該方法藉由許多的暴雨邊界條件所計算結果而得,顯示出都市與鄉村地區所需之BMPs設施之規模。其亦可解決空間分散之決策問題,例如結構性BMPs於都會地區之應用。於FLEXT中之專家系統(ES)是結合地理資訊系統(GIS)。其使用專家系統的主要優點在於1)傳達訊息、2)從專家的複雜訊息中釋出標準程序作業、3)整合相同領域之專家專業知識或訊息及4)以電腦大量自動化重複處理。因為需要大量之前處理數據,故地理資訊系統是一個實用性之分析、收集、轉換與呈現數據之工具。 本文以研究Wupper河流域之401平方公里為案例。應用FLEXT方法調查出現地SWM可能的規模。


In recent years decentralize (on-site) or non-structural storm water management techniques have become more and more popular. Nevertheless, decentralized storm water management is not applicable everywhere. Especially in existing urban areas there are many restrictions. This paper introduces an approach for storm water master planning with decentralized onsite measures which implied a closer view to the urban and rural environment. This approach takes several boundary conditions for storm water management measures into account. It is supported by a simple but flexible tool called FLEXT, which helps to solve spatially-distributed decision problems, i.e., on-site for rainwater in an urban area. Within FLEXT an Expert system (ES) is coupled with a GIS. The main advantages of using an expert system are 1) to convey knowledge, 2) liberation of experts from complicated but routine tasks, 3) integration of knowledge or expertise from different experts in the same field, 4) automation of a large amount of repeated processes. Because of the amount of data that has to be processed, a Geographical Information System (GIS) is useful to collect, analyses, transform and present the data. The approach and the application of FLEXT are demonstrated by the case study in the area of the river basin Wupper. For an area of 401 km^² the potentials for on-site SWM measures had been investigated.


雷啟洋(2011)。高科技廠房施工時程管理規劃與現場管控之研究 -以半導體與太陽能廠房為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01910
