  • 期刊


Historical Duality of Qu Yuan's Received Image from Han Dynasty to Six Dynasties




屈賦 《詩》 諫書


As the model for literatus, Qu Yuan has always gripped the hearts of ancient Chinese intellects. Instead of being in the rut, Qu Yuan's image has gone through various arguments, being molded, altered and mixed. The transformation in the received Qu Yuan's image is highly related to the political climate in different eras. By studying the reception of Qu Yuan's image from Han Dynasty to Six Dynasties, this paper aims to explore different aspects of the received "Qu Yuan's Sentiment". Starting from Qu Yuan's loyalty and plaintiveness from Early-Han intellects' perspective, Ban Gu continues to emphasize Qu Yuan's loyalty shown in his political action and to appreciate Qu Yuan's worth by judging his sentiment of rite. In Wei Chin, the intellects attempt to interpret Qu Yuan's image from a more personal aspect. They elaborate his individual expression, emphasizing the side of Qu Yuan following his own will. The transformation of Qu Yuan's received image involves the decline of the ''Confucian-sentiment of rite" concept and the development of the ''Celebrity-sentiment of individual'' concept in Wei Chin. The intellects' ideologies and historical contexts in ancient China are discussed.
