  • 期刊


An Examination on the Dunhuang Manuscripts of "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi", "Praise of Shi da dizi" and "Shizhe Shengwen"


本文討論的是敦煌文獻中〈十聖弟子本生緣起〉、〈十大弟子讚〉、〈十哲聲聞〉等三種文本的抄寫情形、與現存佛典之交涉情形,以了解其文本的由來、用途。〈十聖弟子本生緣起〉目前所見僅是提綱,主要取材自唐代僧人道液《淨名經集解關中疏》,書手應是為了《維摩詰所說經》的講經釋義而寫錄此作。而P.2655〈須菩提本生緣〉開頭的「須菩提者,此云空生,亦云善吉」,和〈十聖弟子本生緣起〉有些相似,故完整的〈十聖弟子本生緣起〉應和P.2655〈須菩提本生緣〉一樣,針對十大弟子的因緣故事一一進行敘述。〈十大弟子讚〉的作者,據S.6006所書為僧字戒,八世紀中之前已編創此作,之後即於敦煌廣泛地流傳,包括為〈須菩提本生緣〉、《金剛峻經》所援引。P.3355V、P.3727、BD14546V、P.4968 等寫本抄寫〈十大弟子讚〉,應與壁畫圖像榜題有密切關係,而S.276V、S.5706、S.1042V、S.6006、羽025-1等寫本則是為閱讀而抄寫。P.2885V〈十哲聲聞〉也是為閱讀而抄寫的文本,抄寫時間在西元861年之後。


敦煌文獻 十大弟子 本生緣 維摩詰 壁畫


This study mainly discusses the transcribing situation, and the relating to existing Buddhist texts of "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi", "Praise of Ten Principal Disciples" and "Shizhe Shengwen" in Dunhuang manuscripts. What we discover of "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi", which is taken from Daoye's Jingmingjing Jijie Guanzhong Shu, is merely outline, and it should be transcribed for the explanation of Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra. The "須菩提者,此云空生,亦云善吉" in the beginning of P.2655 "Xuputi Bensheng Yuan" is quite similar to "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi"; thus, the entire "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi" should focus on narrating the Nidana stories of ten principal disciples, as P.2655 "Xuputi Bensheng Yuan". It is said that "Praise of Ten Principal Disciples" is written by the monk, Zijie, recorded in S.6006, and it is widely spread in Dunhuang, which is cited by "Xuputi Bensheng Yuan" and Jingangjun Jing. The manuscripts P.3355V, P.3727, BD14546V and P.4968 "Praise of Ten Principal Disciples" should be closely related to the inscriptions on murals; while the manuscripts of S.276V, S.5706, S.1042V, S.6006 and 羽025-1 are for reading. Besides, P.2885V "Shizhe Shengwen" which was also for reading was written after 861 AD.


西晉.安法欽譯 《阿育王傳》,CBETA, T50, no. 2042。
東晉.帛尸梨蜜多羅譯 《佛說灌頂經》,CBETA, T21, no. 1331。
後秦.僧肇 《注維摩詰經》,CBETA, T38, no. 1775。
南朝梁.僧祐 《釋迦譜》,CBETA, T50, no. 2040。
南朝梁.僧祐 《出三藏記集》,CBETA, T55, no. 2145。
