  • 期刊


State and Masses: The Building and Evolution of a Basic Street Institution in Beijing, 1949-1962




In the cities of contemporary China, the jie-ju (street-resident, neighborhood) system, which consists of sub-district offices and residents' committees, is a very familiar but not yet fully understood institution. How did this system originate and evolve? What is the relationship between this local institution and state and urban residents? We still do not know much about how this system operates. Over the past decades, accompanied by the booming of the shequ (community) system, scholars began to pay attention to the history of the jie-ju system. This article will investigate the building and evolution of this basic street institution in Beijing in the 1950s and early 1960s, and on this basis explore the nature of the governing system of the People's Republic of China.


北京市檔案館藏,《中共建國後檔案》〈一年來的公安工作報告〉(1949 年12 月31 日),檔號002-020-00400,「北京市公安局一九四九年工作總結報告」
北京市檔案館藏,《中共建國後檔案》〈十一月份工作總結〉(1951 年),檔號084-003-00010,「五區婦聯工作總結、報告及街道婦女在抗美援朝運動檢查婚姻法執行情況的總結」
北京市檔案館藏,《中共建國後檔案》〈中共北京市朝陽區委街道工委關於街道黨的組織和政治思想工作情況的報告〉(1962 年9 月22日),檔號001-028-00038,「各區街工委向市委城市公社工作小組的請示」
北京市檔案館藏,《中共建國後檔案》〈介紹一下我們居民委員會的幾點工作方法〉(1957 年5 月),檔號039-001-00226,「區街道工作者代表會議的報告、總結、代表名單」
北京市檔案館藏,《中共建國後檔案》〈北京市前門區人民委員會在前門區街道工作者代表會議上的報告〉(1957 年5 月),檔號039-001-00226,「區街道工作者代表會議的報告、總結、代表名單」
