



Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare jaw neoplasm. It was originally defined as a benign but locally invasive epithelial neoplasm of odontogenic origin by Hansen et al in 1985. However, additional cases, which was published later showed that the tumor has an aggressive behavior,predilection for local recurrence, evidence of distant metastasis, and even related to mortality. In the WHO classification of 2005, it was subsequently revised to be denoted as a malignant tumor. CCOC has a remarkable female predilection that is discovered most frequently in mandible of older adults.Wide age distribution between 14 to 89 years old had been published, with an average of 54 years. Due to its malignant property, radical surgery with margins free tumor excision is the therapy of choice. In this article, we present a case of 70-year-old female who had enucleation of ameloblastoma of leftmandibular body 5 years earlier in other hospital. Swelling at the same location occurred, therefore she came to our department for further management.Panoramic radiograph showed an ill-defined radiolucent lesion at the left mandibular parasymphysis and right mandibular body with expansion of the lower border was also noticed. lncisional biopsy showed a malignant jaw bone tumor, therefore composite resection including partial mandibulectomy, left supraomohyoid lymph node dissection, and immediate reconstruction with ALT flap were performed. Histopathologic report of the whole surgical specimen proved to be CCOC. Adjuvant radiotherapy was also arranged. Post-operative surveillance for more than one year showed no recurrence or distant metastasis.
