  • 期刊

遊戲內容設計之魅力因子研究-以FREE FIRE手機射擊遊戲為例

Investigation into Charm Factor in Games : A Case Study on Garena Free Fire


近年來射擊型遊戲深受廣大玩家喜愛,透過射擊遊戲能體驗槍林彈雨的緊張刺激感受,適當抒發釋放情緒壓力,因此本研究以知名網路手機遊戲-Free Fire我要活下去為例,進行探討遊戲玩家對生存射擊類型手機遊戲設計之遊戲沉浸體驗行為與喜好魅力因素。透過質性的深入訪談與魅力工學之評價構造法實際訪談12位高度涉入遊戲玩家,找出深度玩家對射擊遊戲的評價項目,繪製評價構造圖並分析探討,建構出遊戲要素與抽象情感之間的關聯性,將遊戲玩家的情緒感受與實際具體特質之間的關係串聯起來,根據研究結果發現吸引玩家在射擊類型手機遊戲獲得魅力要素分別為遊戲畫面細緻魅力、遊戲音樂風格魅力、遊戲介面清晰魅力、遊戲操作容易魅力、遊戲角色刻畫魅力等五大魅力因素,可提供手機遊戲設計者改善參考依據,以符合不同玩家的需求提高遊戲性、黏著度,有助於提升市場佔有率。


Mobile games, particularly the shooter genre, have grown in popularity among players in recent years. Shooter games can offer players the tension and excitement, as if they were placed under a hail of bullet, thereby properly relieving their emotional pressure. Accordingly, this paper uses popular online mobile game "Free Fire" as an example to investigate players' immersive experience in shooter mobile games and the attractiveness factors behind the games. On a more specific basis, this paper applies the evaluation grid method to conduct qualitative in-depth interviews with 12 hardcore gamers of "Free Fire," and then produces an evaluation grid according to the criteria defined by these gamers, based on which the connections between the key elements of the game (i.e., its specific qualities) and the gamers' abstract feelings can be discovered. This paper identifies a total of five major attractiveness factors behind the game, including the charm of fine game screen, the charm of game music style, the charm of clear game interface, the easiness of playing, and the charm of game character. The research findings of this paper may act as a reference for mobile game designers to refine their products, so as to meet the needs of different players, improve the gameplay, win loyalty, and increase market share.


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