  • 期刊

Application of the Modified Functionally Generated Path Technique to Fabricate Mandibular Fixed Partial Denture - A Case Report



The functionally generated path (FGP) technique can be regarded as an accurate and reliable way to fabricate dental restorations harmonious with the existing occlusal anatomy and neuromuscular system. It consists of recording the eccentric movements of posterior teeth utilizing FGP recording medium and constructing a functional stone core. The technique has been widely applied to fabricate fixed and removable partial dentures. This article presents the fabrication of fixed partial dentures through a modified functionally generated path technique described by Duvall. It's applied to fabricate fixed mandibular posterior restorations that maintained the patient's canine-guided occlusion. To minimize the potential error that may be introduced during transferring the FGP from mouth to the master cast, a custom(individual) stone crib was used to construct a functional core intraorally. When the procedures for the FGP technique have been carried out meticulously, a final prosthesis harmonious with occlusion and stomatognathic system can be constructed with limited occlusal adjustment.


功能軌跡生成術(Functionally generated path,FGP)為一精確且可靠的方法,可用於製作符合現存咬合關係及神經肌肉系統之牙科復物。此技術透過功能性記錄材料來記錄個別患者後牙獨特的離中心運動所形成的功能性路徑,並將此路徑以石膏翻製成出相對的功能性石膏模心(Functional stone core);此功能性石膏模心具有導引離中心運動軌跡重現的紀錄,從而指導 復物咬合面形成。此技術現已被廣泛用於製作固定及活動牙科復物,本次病例報告應用Duvall學者提出之改良式功能軌跡生成術,及維持患者現有的犬齒導引咬合模式下,完成下顎局部固定義齒的製作。為了減少從口內轉移至模型上所可能導入的誤差,此改良式技術使用一個客製化的石膏柵(stone crib),於患者口內直接灌製功能性石膏模心。謹慎小心地使用功能軌跡生成術所製作的最終義齒復物,通常無需過多的臨床調整,即可與患者現存的咬合關係與口顎系統達到和諧一致。
