  • 期刊


A Study of the Grant Mode for Science and Technology R&D Programs in Taiwan: Observation for Related Policies of Developed Countries


為提升國家產業技術創新能力,以補助促進科技研發,為世界各先進國家所多採之政策工具。我國科技專案亦基於提升我國產業技術能力,鼓勵創新研發,由執行單位提案,並經審核通過,以擇定可獲得相關補助資源之對象。為求科技研發專案執行效能持續提升,我國科技研發經費之補助方式,除部分由資源分配主體配合政策執行外,伴隨政府整體補助政策之精進方向,已於本年導入政策審、技術審兩階段之審議機制,並將由行政院科技會報辦公室與科技部落實執行「政策審議」及「技術審議」各項作業,以有效連結科技政策、資源分配及績效展現,值此變革之際,各部會相關科研補助模式,亦可參酌國際上先進國家經驗,進行必要採取的深化、精進方向之研析。此外,鑒於產業技術所需之科研經費分配,對於國家未來的產業發展有極大的影響,有關科技研發補助資源,政府或可藉由產業界人士、經濟學者、專業管理顧問等專家之協助,並針對國家未來科技發展趨勢、潛在優勢及產業應用需求,明確界定科技發展方向及產業政策,並合宜分配產業技術所需科研經費的比例,當可使補助研發經費發揮最大之效益。為此,本文將以2014年世界經濟論壇全球競爭力報告內排名較前及相關先進國家為主,瞭解渠等科研補助模式後,嘗試以系統論(system theory)為研究工具,從資源投入、成果產出等面向,及從創新選題機制到補助競爭機制之作法架構下,思考在我國法制內規劃並評估結合國際潮流與作法經驗,並檢視我國經濟部科技專案之補助模式,藉以提出相關調整作法與建議,希望有利資源分配主體及受補助對象之參考。


In the past, the grant for science and technology R&D programs in Taiwan, except for the part of tasks executed by resource allocators, would be mostly launched by the applicants submitting the proposals which were then authorized. Such proceedings, however, have been changed to a two-tier mechanism of "Examination of policy" and "Examination of technology" since this year. Under above mentioned examiner mode, related proceedings and tasks will be executed by the Board of Science and Technology under Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Science and Technology. In purpose of progressing effective connection among technology policies, resource allocation and merits performance in the future, the research of grant mode for science and technology R&D programs will be a focus. As well as the issue of the resource allocation and how it impacts the trend of industrial development in Taiwan, Government shall decide the policy with the aids of experts such as industrial professionals, economists and consultants. Based on the presumption of national technology development, potential strengths and industrial demand, such policies should be concerned not only for orientating the future direction of the development in technology and industry, but also for appropriately allocating the resource for R&D ratio among industries. By the research materials from the Global Competitiveness Report (WEF) 2014-2015, this article intends to introduce the related policies of those developed countries which take a lead in R&D. For providing proper advice of grant mode for science and technology R&D programs in Taiwan, this article will also introduce the system theory as an approach and examine the assumed grant mode as a dynamic system which frames the related mechanisms.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory (last visited Sep. 5, 2014).
The World Economic Forum.THE GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2014-2015.
