  • 期刊


Nursing Experience for post Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia Symptom in Women With Breast Cancer




乳癌 化療掉髮 護理經驗


The incidence and mortality of breast cancer is on a constant rise in Taiwan. The age of onset of disease is younger than in the past and becomes a significant threat to women's health. In this case study, 36-year-old female patient suffered not just from nausea, vomiting, alopecia, but also the anxiety after mastectomy postoperative physiological and psychological conditions. The authors collected data through direct nursing care, physical assessments, observation, and interviews guided by the Gordon 11-functional health assessment from October 21th to 27th in 2017. The results revealed that the patient experienced three health problems, including nausea and vomiting, anxiety and body image disturbance. Individual nursing program was then designed based on the patient's needs, used massage and diet to ease the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, establishing a good nurse-patient relationship, guided how to cope with alopecia body image disturbance, helped the patient build self-confidence, assisted the patient relieving from alleviate anxiety facing the breast cancer and the change of body appearance and a positive social support system with the help from whole team work and family/social supportive group. The article hopes that this nursing experience can be of use to oncological ward staff when nursing patients with similar situation.


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